Chapter 3

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"Ali,do you like this?" Ezra asked, still lying on top of her. "No, Ezra, I don't. My phone is probably going off with texts from Emily asking where I am. Ezra, please let me get back to Emily." Alison pleaded, trying to get out from under him. Unwillingly, he let Alison out, but stopped her after her shorts were on. "Ali, please, please, please don't tell anyone about this. Not Aria, not Jason, not even Emily." "Ok Ezra, I won't. I promise." Ali said, nervously. "Well, see ya around." Ezra said, acting like nothing happened. He walked away whistling. Alison quickly jumped in the driver's seat, pulled out her phone, and sent a text to Emily: hey babe I'm on my way. I didn't know what you wanted, so you just wait a little longer. I'll be home soon. :)." She immediately floored it from the store back to her house. As she drove home, she thought about what just happened between her and Ezra.
When she pulled up to her house, she sat in the driveway to think. "I don't know how to tell Emily without breaking my promise to Ezra." She thought. She pulled her phone out and sent a text to Ezra: Ezra, I'm going to tell Emily what happened between us, and you're eventually going to tell Aria what happened. Please let me tell Emily what happened. She IS my girlfriend after all. Alison sat in her car for a little while longer to wait for a response. After waiting 5 minutes and not getting a response, she went inside. "Babe, where the hell have you been? I saw you park, but it took you 5 minutes to get out. What were you doing in there?" Emily asked, eyeing the car suspiciously. "Oh, nothing." Alison said nervously. "Ok, so what'd you buy?" Emily asked, peering into the bag. "Some Coke and some chips. When I walked by the wine fridge, I stole some of my mom's red wine and brought that up too." "Oh you bad, bad girl. I brought some lime nips too." Emily said, pulling one out of her sharks duffle bag, and giving Ali a smirk. "Oh, I should be ashamed of you, but I'm not. Now let's have some fun!" Ali said excitedly, grabbing one of Emily's lime nips and "accidentally" pouring it on Emily's tank top. "Oops, I think my hand slipped." She said, smirking. Emily quickly caught on and did the same to Ali. "I guess we should probably take our soaking wet shirts off." Emily said, walking over to Alison and putting her hands on the bottom of her shirt, and sliding it up her body. Alison did the same to Emily. Once they had taken each other's shirts off, Alison grabbed the bottle of wine and poured it into two water bottles. "Can I pour some of my nips into the wine? I promise it tastes awesome." Emily asked, getting the bottle from her bag. "Totally! IF you say it tastes good, then I should try it." Ali answered, walking up behind Emily, grabbing her ass and softly kissing her neck. "Would you like Jason to come back up? You know damn well I'm gonna-" Emily began, but was cut off by her moaning. "Do I really have to walk my ass back up there? God damn Ali, keep it down." "Ali, I'm sorry. I don't think Jason should come back up." Emily said shyly. "Baby, it's ok, just keep it down. Can you do that for me?" Alison asked, batting her eyes, and slowly taking her left hand, wrapping it around Emily's stomach and moving it towards Emily's core. "Ugh...babe...I don't think I'll be able to keep quiet if you keep doing this to me." Emily quietly said, in between moans. Alison immediately pulled her hand away from Emily's core. "Babe, what's wrong?" Alison just shook her head at Emily's question, and ran straight for her bathroom.
        "Babe, what's going on? You've been in there for like ten minutes. Please let me come in." Emily pleaded through the closed door. "Ah, hold-" Alison began, but immediately began puking. In between puking and crying, Alison managed to unlock the bathroom door, which allowed Emily to come barging in. She stood there and watched as Alison puked her guts out into the toilet. "Holy shit. Ali, are you ok?" Emily asked, bending down, and putting a reassuring hand on Ali's back and rubbed it gently. After Ali had finally finished puking, she looked at Emily and cried. Seriously Alison, tell me what's wrong. Honestly, I'm going to call Jason up here.' Emily said, strictly. Ali quickly wiped her tears away, and flushed the toilet, not saying a word to Emily. As Alison was about to leave the bathroom, Emily took Alison by the shoulder and whipped her around. "Ali, you need to tell me what the hell is going on. Now!" Emily strictly enforced. Alison shrugged and responded with, "Em, I honestly don't know what's going on." Ali sighed and hugged Em. "Come on, let's cuddle." Emily said, escorting Ali out of the bathroom . Ten minutes later, Alison's buzzed. It was Ezra. In fear of Emily, seeing her phone, she flipped it upside down. "Who's that?" Emily asked, peering over Alison's shoulder at her phone. "Oh, I don't know, probably my mom. I'll go call her." Alison said, getting up and going in the hallway. She opened her phone to see the text from Ezra. It read: Alison, I swear, if you tell Emily what happened between us, I will find out and I'm going to be very upset with you. I know I have to tell Aria, but I'm not ready yet. Angrily, Alison responded: Ezra, you bitch. I've been so worried since Emily's been asking what happened. I've been puking non-stop for ten minutes, and I don't think it's a coincidence. Fuck you, I'm telling her. Immediately after she sent it, he called her. "What?" Alison asked, in a bitchy tone. "Tell Emily what happened, and it'll happen again." Ezra said firmly. "Look, I might be blonde but I'm not stupid. Emily and Aria are eventually find out whether it happens again, or something else, but I know they're gonna find out. Now, I've already puked once, so I'm telling her." Alison enforced. "Fine, tell her. Aria won't know. But you better pray that Emily doesn't tell anyone." Ezra responded before hanging up. Alison sighed before going back into her room. "What did your mom want?" Emily asked as Ali flopped back onto her bed. "Oh, she wanted to know if you were sleeping over or not." Alison responded, snuggling back up with Em. "Oh, ok." Emily said, grabbing Ali's hand. Emily looked over and smiled at Alison, but noticed a sad expression on her face. "What's wrong? And don't say nothing because clearly it's something." Emily questioned. "Well...So I was at the store, and Ezra came and talked to me, and then-" Ali stopped and began to cry. "What did he do? Tell me what that bastard did." Emily said, loudly. "He put me in the back of my car, put both sunshades up, and then....he" Alison choked out. "What did he do?" Emily questioned. "He undressed me and did it with me. I'm so sorry." Alison spat out before breaking down into tears. Emily picked Ali up and put her in her lap. "Babe, it's ok. You didn't know, and I hope you didn't want it. There's no need to say sorry. I still love you." Emily said, kissing Ali's forehead, and letting her cry into her shoulders. "Are you sure?" Alison asked, finally making eye contact with Emily. "Yes. I'm gonna go make some tea, do you want any?" Emily asked, putting Alison down, and getting up. "Yeah, and I'll dump out the lime nip and red wine mix." Alison responded, also getting up. Ring. Ring. Alison's phone rang. "Please don't be Ezra." She thought, picking it up. Much to her surprise, it was Aria. "Hey Aria." Alison said. "Hey. Um...Can I come over? I think it's important." Aria responded. "Uh...yeah." Ali said. "Ok, see you soon." "Who was that?" Emily asked, as Ali put the phone down. "Aria. She's coming over." Ali said nervously, taking the tea.

A Little SurpriseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora