Chapter 4

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Twenty minutes later, Aria, Alison and Emily were sitting in Alison's room, drinking herbal tea. "So Aria, what's up?" Emily asked. "Oh, well Ezra told me something, and I had to see if it was true." Aria responded. "Ok, what's that?" "Yeah, what's that?" They both asked. "Well, I heard Ezra talking on the phone, and I heard him mention my name, so after he got off the phone, I cornered him, and I forced him to tell me." Aria said. "Ok, what did he tell you?" Emily asked, looking from Aria to Ali. Alison was looking at the floor, avoiding eye contact with both girls. "Well, he...uh...said he did it with Ali in the parking lot at the store. Ali, is it true?" Aria asked, grabbing Alison's hand. Emily did the same. Alison nodded without saying a word. "OMG, that bitch. Ali, I'm so sorry." Aria said, leaning over and hugging her. "It's ok Aria, you didn't do anything." Alison said, finally looking at Aria. Suddenly, Alison dropped both of the girls' hands and sprinted to the bathroom. "Ali, not again." Emily said, sighing, and getting up. "What's she doing?" Aria asked, turning towards the bathroom. "She's puking." Emily answered, bluntly. "Babe, you ok?" Emily asked, putting her ear up to the door. "Uh." Alison moaned. "Ok." Emily responded.
Meanwhile,Aria was on the far side of the room having a three-way call with Hanna and Spencer. "No, you need to get over here. She's puking." Aria said into the phone. Emily glared at Aria, and when she hung up the phone yelled, "Who the fuck were you telling to get over here? I swear to high holy hell if you called Ezra, I'll hurt you." "I swear I called Hanna and Spencer. They're coming over to support Ali." They sat on Ali's bed, but Aria almost immediately got up. "Where are you going?" Emily questioned, as Aria opened the door. "Um...nowhere." Aria said, sheepishly. "You're not leaving until you tell me where the hell you're going." Emily said, forcefully closing the door. Aria walked away from the door and over to the other side of the room. She motioned for Emily. Once Emily was no longer in ear shot of the bathroom, Aria whispered, "I'm going to the store." "Why?" "It's for Alison." "What are you buying her?" Aria was about to respond when Alison suddenly emerged from the bathroom. "Are you ok?" Emily asked, hugging Alison. "Yeah, are you?" Aria also asked. "Uh, yeah. I probably just have the flu." Alison responded, flopping on her bed. At that moment, Spencer and Hanna burst through the door. "Um...hey Spence, hey Han." Alison said, getting up to hug them. "Hi, I brought you coffee and chocolate." Spencer said, handing her a medium iced coffee and a box of dark chocolates. "Thanks." Ali said, sipping the coffee. "So, how do you feel?" Hanna asked, flopping on the edge of the bed. "To be honest, I feel like total shit." Alison responded. "No offense babe, but you kinda look like shit too." Emily said. Alison went over to her full length mirror. She had put on some leggings from Otter, fuzzy white socks, and a Rosewood Day T-shirt. The peach- olive color of her face was gone. She was whiter than her car. "Thanks." Alison said, sitting back down on her bed. "I'm going to the store for San Pellegrino. Spencer, can you come along?" Aria said, getting up. "Uh, yeah. We'll be right back." Spencer said, leaving. "So, are we actually going to the store?" She asked in the car. "Yes, but it's for Alison." Aria said, smiling.

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