Coming Out

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I'm not gonna tell you how to come out. Everyone has their own way. I am, however, going to share how I came out.

    It was three am and his alarm was going off. He rolled over and shut it off, then stood up sleepily and snuck into the kitchen after grabbing his tablet. He grabbed scissors from the bottom drawer in the kitchen and then slipped quietly into the bathroom.

   He stared at his reflection, glaring at the shoulder length brown hair. He glared at his chest. He hated it. He turned the water faucet on and wet his hair. He then began carefully snipping it away. First to his jaw, then to his ear. Finally, aligned with his eyebrow. He used the scissors to do a shave on the back. It took him three hours to complete it. He barely had a few moments to write his letter and slip it in front of his mom's coffee cup. It read,

Im transgender. I am a boy. I use make pronouns. Now you don't have four daughters. You have three daughters and a son.

And that was that! My parents didn't accept me and I'm still trying to help them understand. But it's hard. Just think of it this way: YOU WILL GET THROUGH.

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