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We all desire unconditional love. Even if we want Love. The world is full of hate and desire. The world is terrifying.~

It all started one stormy night in
Georgia.  I watched as each droplet splatter on the road from my window. My face was bruised and swollen. My nose was bleeding. I felt numb honestly. There's no other words to explain it. I got in a fight with a dumb snarky bitch . I won it too. The aftermath though was being suspended for a week. But I found the consequence not too bad...My mom wasn't too happy about it  But, if someone is talking shit about me I'll give them what they deserve~ I am Grounded.
That night I fell asleep on the ground early nearly at 10pm. I woke up to the closing of my window. My eyes slowly opened and I came soon to realise there was someone in front of me. " I was being chased. I had no where to go" from his voice I could tell it was a Kev.  He must be crazy jumping into windows, He's lucky I didn't have my knife. "why are they chasing you?" I asked. " They want to kill me."  "what the fuck I can call the police if you need"  "There's no need for that" he said. "I will be fine. I just need to stay here for 30 minutes maximum." "You can stay" I offered. I walked over and clicked my lamp on. I looked at him and I observed him. Kev was 20. He had medium length dark brown hair, it went down to his shoulders. His face was chiseled and a strong jawline. He had gray eyes and He had a skinny figure. He always wore a grey shirt and black jeans. He had scratches up his arms and face. "Are you okay?" we both said in sync. "I'm okay, just got in a fight at school. Are you okay?" I asked again. "I am okay, just ran into some thorns when I was running." We sat on my bed and I just watched him for 30 minutes every little while asking him some questions about why he was being chased. Before I knew it  I was watching him as his slim figure disappeared into the dark. I hope to see you again soon I thought in my head.

We shall meet again~
It was 10am. I pulled myself out of bed and walked downstairs. To grab some food. My mom had already left for work. I went to her room snuck out 20 from her droor. After grabbing a hoodie. Out the door I went. I needed some fresh air to clear my mind. So I went on a walk. I went by many forests and houses till I came upon the gas station. It was a small but clean gas station. I've walked to it since I was a kid. I got me a soda and some cigarettes. They didn't check ID here so I didn't give a fuck. I needed to smoke. I was walking down the sidewalk and lit me up a cigarette. I inhaled the bitter smoke and felt my body calm. I walked into the woods. I used to wonder around them as a kid. Before my papa~died he built me a tree house. I remember us spending hours putting the old house together in the tree. I haven't gone to it since he died 2 years ago. I found myself wandering to the old place. I could see it after walking into the woods for about 5 minutes. It looked rotten, old and abandoned. I walked over to the rusty latter and climed up it. I slowly was edging up to the house. I walked in the hole on the front and before I could see anything, some person pushed me down and I fell nearly 10 feet and hit my head. I blacked out on the leaves and roots of the tree.

I woke up with a sharp pain in my head. Kev was by my side shaking me trying to wake me up.
"Kayden, Kayden wake up" He said over and over again. My eyes opened and I saw the look on his face he looked scared. We were in a strange place. A black room it seemed as if I were on a bed. It was soft and fluffy.
"I'm here, what happened? Where am I?" "You're in my apartment." He said. I had never been in his apartment before. This must have been his room as it was very dark, the only thing lighting his room was a lamp by his bed.  "You were pushed out of that old tree house, the guy that pushed you out, was the same guy that was chasing me down. His name is Ramon. He is the leader of a serious gang." Kev shook "Kayden, you need to keep an open mind with what I'm going to tell you." he said. "Okay I can, you know nothing scares me."I said. I stared into his eyes and took in every piece of him "The gang is a group of... vampires. I know it sounds dumb, vampires aren't real is what we are all told. But... They are as real as me and you are." He said. I wasn't scared just interested so I furrowed my eyebrows In curiosity. "Why are they out to get you?" I asked. "Ramon is my exboyfriend. He turned me into a vampire when I was just 16. He became an asshole. So I broke up with him." he said. This all came of shock to me. He is gay, I never knew that. He's a vampire. I loved that though. I wanted to find out more. "so you're a vampire?" "Yes I am Kayden, and I felt like I could tell you this because I trust you." It took me a moment. but in the end I expected something odd. The moment he came to this town something seemed off. He had no family, no official job nothing. No one knew him. All anyone knew was he was attractive and appealing. and I could back up those women too. he was quite something to look at...

When Night Falls~ (A ddlg story) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora