Heroes to the Rescue

Start from the beginning

"Was it fun?"

"W-What?" 'This... this happened before... I know it did...'

"Being betrayed. Was it fun?" He let out a wicked laugh. I froze. 'This is from my dream... it... it wasn't a dream...'

"You'll pay for everything you guys have done to us!" The words left my lips before I even got the chance to think... I sounded angry and betrayed... I knew those were just big words that came from a small girl who was scared... I knew I wasn't strong enough to take him head-on... I knew I was still weak...

"Of course, I will. Meat bag." My eyes narrowed slightly, but before I got the chance to do anything, Black Beetle was thrown to the side.

My head shot to the left where Ed stood with a... an... an alien... laser... staff... thing? They couldn't just create normal things... could they?

Ed teleported over to me and helped my-wobbly-self onto my feet. I had to lean on him for a bit before gaining my balance. "Thanks."

"No problem, chica." I smiled, maybe the kid's finally warming up to me. 'Wow... I have incredibly inappropriate timing don't I?' "We have to keep Black Beetle off his feet."

"And just how do we do-" Interruptions were so normal by now that I caught the thing that had been flying in my direction, with ease. An alien-laser-staff-thing... not surprising. "Where did you get-" Ed pointed back and behind him was a guy I had never seen before shooting lasers at Black Beetle. "And who's-"

"A foe."

"-that... ok." Well, He seems to be fighting on our side, so I might as well trust him. I took my stance and started blasting lasers at Black Beetle's feet. Hey, the kid said, "off his feet" so that's what I'm going to do... literally.

The others regained consciousness only a few minutes after our first attacks to Black Beetle. They were quick to understand our plan to keep him off balance and came to help.

The guy whose name I still did not know, while we attacked Black Beetle, was messing with a pod in the distance. I have no idea what he's trying to do, but we wouldn't be able to hold Black Beetle for much longer, so he'd better hurry. Not even a moment later, a crashing sound filled the air. My head shot to the side the moment I saw Black Beetle turn to the side. "Mongul! This is all your fault!" 'Well, he hurried... that's for sure, and this was extremely unexpected... sweet.'

As soon as the Mongul guy rose to his feet he attacked Black Beetle who was quick to retaliate and forget all about us. 'Now, that was really unexpected.'

"You guys free the team! There's something else I need to get." Still don't know who the hell this guy is, but I'm still not going against his wishes. Ed and I blasted the sides of the stasis cages and got the heroes out, alongside the others, of course. "Ándale, súper-niño. (A/N: My apologies if this isn't the correct way of writing it, but I don't know how to write. I'm free to hear if it is the correct way or not.)" Ed immediately went to get Superboy and the reason as to why took me a few seconds to understand... my brain was still jello. I feel dense...

The heroes were all quite out of it, so we had to hold some of them up. I was, at the moment, helping a blond girl who looked like she would work with Wonder Woman, onto her feet.

The guy from before suddenly appeared holding what looked like a shield, Wonder Woman's rope, and belts... nothing strange going on here... nope.

"Let's go! Move!" Without a word, we followed after him. "Ok, get ready, there's a squad of Reach soldiers waiting for us." And this was the moment I began to question my life decision once more... what in Heaven's name got me into this? Oh yeah, life...

Our little group of Runaway misfits where two of us were not actually runaways was quick to get into a fighting stance and protect the heroes since they were, obviously, not at full capacity.

The guys put his mechanical- wait... how did I not? Damn... I'm really dense...

He put his mechanical arm on a weird thing on the wall and opened the door... what we saw was not what we expected.


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"See we don't need your help getting back to earth, or your offer to join the team. We have our own way of doing things."

"So we have no necessity for your help... of any kind."

"What do you say, bro, want to ride with us?"

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