"I'm sure it'll be fine," The scientist said, "Alternate universes and all that."

"Wait..." Y/N spun around with a wide, Cheshire cat-like smile, "You serious? I mean, you don't have to say yes or anything...Steve and I were sure you were gonna say no but like..."

Bruce tackled her in a bear hug. It was meant to be a gentle one but he somehow managed to lose all control of his body and grabbed her tightly, cutting off her words, "Yeah, you can stay."

Her arms straightened up as she fist-pumped the air whilst her face was smushed into Bruce's chest and her muffled cry came out, "Yay!"


Three Years Later...

Y/N laughed as Wanda used her magic to push Sam into the pool. The two women got on like a house on fire, triggering each other's more troublesome sides much to the chagrin of everyone else on the team and in the world.

In the beginning, it was hard to remember that Natasha was dead. Y/N would turn to tell Nat something then realise she wasn't there. Wanda would feel Y/N's painful realisation from across the room and walk over to hug her. From pain and loss, Y/N and everyone else had managed to make new friends. 

Y/N's hand fiddled with the ring on her left hand, spinning it around on her finger as she watched Sam throw out curse words more creative than a sailor's. Steve rolled his eyes from his lounge chair as he tried to soak up every bit of sunshine beating down on them, but only getting tinged pink instead. Let it be known that Steve Rogers turned into a lobster if he spent too much time outside in the sun. 

Bucky was sipping a cocktail with his legs dangling in the pool and he casually splashed water at Sam from his place, grinning at his teammate's spluttering annoyance. Two seconds later, he found himself in the water too, his cocktail mixing in with the chlorine and his glass bobbing my his head. 

After months and months of just work, the team had decided to go on a well deserved holiday to somewhere nice and hot and sunny and beachy. The holiday was supposed to have a classy taste to it but they had overestimated one another. Not one of the members of the Avengers had not acted like a child since the plane landed. 

Sam and Bucky got into petty arguments all the time, driving everyone else crazy, Wanda came up with new pranks to play on literally anyone she saw, only by using her magic. Once, she managed to trick Sam into thinking that Bucky had stolen his room service ordered food, which of course resulted in another petty argument. Steve refused to wear sun lotion on their first day there and ended up going bright red from head to toe. Y/N laughed at him the entire time. 

Clint and Bruce were smart enough to deny the holiday and came up with excuses like, "I need 'me' time." and "I haven't prepared my beach body". 

The second day, Steve proposed to Y/N. It was beautiful if you ignored the horrendous sunburns that decorated him. No, but really, it was a beautiful proposal. Y/N cried an embarrassing amount. The others teased her for it all day the next day until she threatened to throw them off a cliff.

Today was the last day of the holiday, well...if you don't count tomorrow when they were going to leave.

Steve's burns had died down a bit and he was busy enjoying a pina colada while reading an Agatha Christie mystery. It was cute how domestic he'd become, with his scruffy hair and five o'clock shadow.

"Hey, guys, have you all packed up yet? We're leaving first thing in the morning..." Steve chimed suddenly but being ignored by everyone. 

Bucky and Sam were too busy dunking one another the water, trying to drown the other, and Wanda and Y/N were too busy cackling at their antics. 

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