(18) Think I Could Have Some Of Your Sugar?

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August 21st 2006

That morning at 8:37 she had officially reached her late thirties, which caused her to feel miserable. Well, that and the fact that she couldn't share her birthday with Layne and Robin were responsible for the misery. Mainly the absence of the two caused her misery. Dylan would have stayed hidden beneath the covers of her bed all day if her friends hadn't come over to lovingly harass her into going out with them. She got up and hurried toward the shower when Lindsay threatened to toss a bucket of ice water on her and Dylan hadn't any doubt that she would follow through.

It started with the unveiling of presents in her living room (some of which her mother shall never see) before the group traveled to IHOP for a hearty breakfast. Afterward, Dylan's friends had another surprise in store for her, which wasn't revealed until they pulled into the parking lot of one of San Francisco's most prestigious spa resorts. There they spent the day obtaining rejuvenation and being pampered--especially the birthday gal Dylan.

She had muscles massaged that she didn't realize existed and by the time her ninety minutes with the two expert masseuses was up, she was so relaxed and tension free that she felt like a cooked noodle. This was followed by a facial, which lasted an hour. Dylan also hadn't realized how much time could be devoted just to a face. Hers was masked, massaged, steamed, exfoliated and moisturized. She had to admit that she was glowing once her facial was completed.

Following a leisurely lunch at one of the resort's eating establishments, the group participated in a beginners yoga class where Dylan stretched those muscles she'd just found out about a few hours prior. Although it had been fun spending time with her friends, she was certain that she wouldn't be signing up for any yoga classes in the future.

And then her favorite part of the outing with her friends was spent at Adriana's house where they put on swimsuits and gathered into the hot tub with an assortment of fruit smoothie flavors. Beverly and Satan's disci--er, her children Elton and John were nowhere to be found. Adriana threatened to drown Lindsay when she happily commented on their absence.

That evening, an intimate dinner party was held at her mother's house where Dylan was given solely G-rated presents and had a blast with her closest friends and family. At the beginning of her birthday she felt miserable, yet by that evening she was in a buoyant mood. Layne and Robin never strayed far from her thoughts, but she still felt like smiling and did so throughout her party. Being thirty-six wasn't so horrible and though they couldn't be there, Dylan would be reunited with them before long. In the meantime, she had a date with the two lovelies to look forward to via her webcam later on. Layne had text messaged her that morning to set it up, to which Dylan readily agreed.

Was it her imagination or had Robin noticeably grown since the last time she saw her in person two weeks ago? Her niece had been asleep in her crib for a good while when she and Layne finally decided that they should call it a night. The comic recalled that Layne was three hours ahead of her now, so it was technically the next morning there.

"So, what are you gonna do now?" the blonde asked, stifling a yawn. She didn't want to leave Dylan, but her eyelids were demanding that she shut them for at least six hours.

"Hit the sheets probably."

She glanced toward the clock in the corner of her screen. "But it's 10:37 there!"

"And?" Dylan drew out the word with a smile.

The muralist started to grin into her webcam, a grin that showed nearly every tooth in her mouth. "I shouldn't have corrected you 'cause, darling, you are old now!"

"Sweetheart, this is the part where I'd instruct you to bite me, but I don't want to be offensive."

Not the least bit offended, Layne snickered.

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