(15) Love Was In The Air Tonight, Huh?

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June 24th 2006

Anyone would have thought they were just another loving couple attending the pride fair together as they strolled through the populated Civic Center, their fingers intertwined as they held hands. At least half of the duo was content to allow others to gain that impression. Actually, the remaining half didn't mind either. The remaining half suddenly gave the other half's hand a squeeze as she pointed toward a particular booth, which had a few interested customers.

"T-shirts, Dyl! Want one? I'll treat you to a T-shirt."

"Only if you let me treat you back."

"You bought the tickets for the parade tomorrow. Come on, let me buy you a T-shirt and lunch."

The brunette beamed. "Yes on the T-shirt and I'll give lunch some thought." She laughed as her friend stuck a pink tongue out at her. She asked if they would change into their shirts while they browsed the assortment, some hanging from racks and others neatly folded on tables.

"We could wear them today or wait until tomorrow. Hey, Dylan, what do you think of this one?" Snickering, Layne showed her the back of a black T-shirt where a coyly smiling feline wearing a rainbow-designed collar was printed. Dylan was about to say that it was cute when Layne turned it around so that she could see the front. The short phrase reminded her of those Got Milk commercials, but instead of asking if you had milk, it inquired about something else.

Instead of continuing with her 'that's cute' comment, Dylan changed it to, "That is so depraved. I love it!" A broad grin split her lips. Yes, she was freaky and proud of it! "And I dare you to wear that tomorrow so Mom can see you in it."

Layne smirked. She didn't even want to imagine how Madeline would react to such an insolent shirt. "It'll be a snowy day in hell before that happens. Are you trying to get me killed, Tate? Or at least a spanking followed by a timeout in the corner?"

Laughing, Dylan chose a T-shirt. "What about this?" Hers was a pink baby doll T-shirt with a declaration written in bold red on the front. Layne read it aloud.

"She may wear the pants, but I wear the strap-on." Overhearing, a man with colorfully dyed hair glanced toward the blonde with a knowing smile. She winked at him in return. "Funny thing is that it's true." Dylan's mouth hanging open, she reached up to close it for her.


"What's Pink Saturday? I've caught snippets of conversation about it today." As she glanced over the menu, Layne couldn't recall ever seeing so many atypical varieties of pizza. This would be her first time eating at the California Pizza Kitchen where they were meeting a few of Dylan's friends not too far from the Civic Center Plaza. In fact, it was so close that they were able to walk there and arrive within minutes.

"It's a huge party with thousands upon thousands of guests that is held in the Castro District. It's hosted by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Have you heard of them?" Layne indicated with a head shake that she hadn't. "They are a fairly large group--around forty members I think-- of modern very non-traditional nuns, most of which if not all are men. Although their dress is quite different from your standard nun, they partake in some of the same type of activities. They hold fundraisers and organize events, raise money for charity, visit hospitals to spread their cheer, go to schools to educate on topics such as the risks of unsafe sex...they actually do quite a lot.

"Pink Saturday is held every year the night before the pride parade and the money collected during that large party will go toward charities. Every time I've gone to Pink Saturday I've had a great time. You want to check it out?"

"Layne, what does this bad girl want you to check out?" Elena inquired as she and her partner arrived at the long table. She took a seat next to Layne while her girlfriend Alexis sat with Dylan across from them. Clucking her tongue, Elena opened her menu. "And you want this to occur in public, Dyl? Have you no decorum?"

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