(9) Evil Woman Seems Appropriate

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December 25th 2005

Robin made out like a bandit on Christmas morning, because the majority of the presents underneath the six-foot tall tree her aunties picked out three days ago belonged to her. If she could speak she would have denied that she was spoiled though--just supremely well loved. Also if she could talk, she would have claimed that the present she was currently playing with was her favorite. From both her Aunt Dylan and Layne it was the greatest!

Lying on her back on top of the cushioned activity mat containing a variety of animals, Robin was busy playing with the colorful chimes hanging above, fascinated by the soft sounds they made when she kicked them. Dylan and Layne cheering her on had her feeling encouraged to kick the chimes even more. She just loved an audience.

After a few more minutes of kicking, Robin decided to give her legs a rest as she noticed the other toys hanging from the padded crossbars. The vibrant parakeet caught her interest the most, so she reached up and gave it an experimental squeeze. When it squeaked widened blue eyes stared for a thoughtful moment before Robin gained enough courage to try again. Of course, the parakeet squeaked again and in response she gurgled with delight. Her aunties shared a grin, glad that they had selected the perfect baby gym for their niece.

The only presents left under the brightly lit tree belonged to Dylan's other family members, which she, Layne and Robin would see later on when they went to her mother's house for Christmas dinner. Dylan eyed the tree, switching her attention to Layne just along enough to confirm that she was preoccupied playing with the baby. Leaning toward the tree she slid her hand beneath the tree's skirt and pulled out a small package she hid there Friday. Without a word she put in front of Layne, lightly clearing her throat to get the other woman's attention.

Layne glanced toward Dylan and then her eyes became riveted on the gift, which she could wrap her hand around. A smirk was sent Dylan's way. "Thought we weren't buying gifts for each other?" This had been Dylan's bright idea and despite wanting to buy her something for Christmas although she knew next to nothing about her, Layne went along with it. She learned of the comic's birthday, so when her 36th rolled around she would definitely receive a present from her, regardless if she wanted one or not.

Dylan shrugged, having the audacity to grin. "Yeah, but I couldn't not get you anything. Plus, technically it's not a gift."

"Really?" The blonde's smirk broadened. "'Cause it suspiciously resembles a gift. It's in holiday gift-wrap paper with a bow stuck to the top and has a tag reading 'To: Layne, From: Dylan'. You don't consider that a gift?" Dylan shook her head no. "Dylan..."

"C'mon Layne, open your not so much of a gift. If it makes you feel any better I only paid $3.62 for it."

"Really?" Layne placed the present in the palm of her hand.

"Yep. Go ahead."

Curiosity winning, she began to reveal her gift. Plucking the lid from the white box, Layne unexpectedly pulled out a key attached to a keychain with a quip on it. Softly chuckling, she read it aloud, glad that Robin wasn't old enough to grasp its true meaning. "Birthdays only come once a year...aren't you glad you're not a birthday?" Catching Dylan's sassy grin, she shook her head in amusement. "Ms. Tate you are naughty, but I can't wait to put my other keys on this ring."

"Doesn't that make you naughty too?"

Layne pretended not to hear the question. "So what is the key to?"

Dylan tapped the carpet, which she was seated on. "My apartment. I'm sure you've achieved a steady and comfortable income from your occupation and can afford it, but why stay in a hotel when you can live here for free? Until you and Robbie are ready to go to New York." Adding that last part left a sour taste in her mouth.

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