november 5, 1989

13 0 0

dear diary,
fuck, its been so long. ive been scared to write in you. recently, ive read through my pages... i sound fucked up. there's some things i'm unsure of. ive
also grown scare of them. maybe its a bad time to
say, because again i'm unsure. i hope its just an awkward moment in time that'll never come
back again. anyway, today was an overall good day. eddie took me to a movie after school, mostly
because he was avoiding his home. i dont blame him. thing is, we went to see a horror movie. so
eddie being eddie, was frightened the entire time.
he wouldnt stop holding my hand or grabbing my shirt every time he was frightened. it was really funny. eddie is probably one of the best people i know. he understands me in a way, and it makes me feel good. i dont know why he makes me feel
the way i do. he's just a really good person is all.


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