october 27, 1989

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dear diary,
you don't know me, but very soon you will.
my name is richard "richie" toizer.
only my friends can call me trashmouth, though.
mostly considering how we all call ourselves losers.
we are the losers club. the losers club is family.
after the incident occurring during the summer,
including my parents not believing a damn thing, they decided months later to buy you so that i may vent in here instead of talking about it
like a crazy person. dont get me wrong,
i love my family but sometimes, they dont
listen to a goddamn thing i say and believe me
it gets a little lonely. but hey, at least my friends
are great. just one of them stands out a little more than the rest. his name is eddie kaspbrak, but i prefer calling him eds. we're all loser so in our own way, his being the "dont touch me or i will catch an infection or allergic reaction" or something like
that. i dont blame him, though. its his whale of
a mother's fault. she has him convinced that the
world is evil and out to get him and dirty. when
maybe the world just wants to hold him and tell him that everything is and will be alright... anyway, my head is empty, there are no thoughts, but i assure you that whenever i do feel like saying something,
i will come to you.

- richie

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