I Never Said No 🔞

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WARNING: Mentions of rape

Jean cleared her throat nervously, "Tom."

His eyes immediately looked up into her own, his brows furrowed, "What's up? You alright?"

She gestured for him to follow her towards a quiet corner of the bar, sculling the remainder of her drink on the way.

"What's going on, love?" He wondered in concern as she fidgeted nervously, "Um, so there's a guy here and -

Tom turned to look around him, scanning the room as Jean batted at his arm and hissed, "Tom!"

He turned back to meet her gaze and saw the fear in her eyes, the way her hands trembled as she vulnerably wrapped her arms around herself.

"Who is he?" He pried, his tone suddenly low and protective.

She cleared her throat and licked her lips, "Um, w-we hooked up. Maybe eight years ago."

He waited for her to continue but when she didn't, he unfolded her arms and squeezed her hands comfortingly, "Jeanie, you look terrified. What - what happened with you two?"

She sighed and searched for her boyfriend in the crowd, seeing him grinning and laughing as he spoke with Riva and Nick animatedly before diverting her attention back to her friend restlessly.

"I'll tell you but - promise me you won't tell Jake. At least not tonight. This is an important night for him, Tom. I don't want to ruin it and... Well, you know how he gets..." Jean explained and Tom smirked, "What, you mean, loving, protective and chaotic?"

She rolled her eyes and released a shaky breath, "He - I just. If he finds out, he'll -"

"What the fuck did this guy do?!" He wondered, his tone dropping two entire octaves.

He squeezed her hands again and led her to a booth in the corner, squashing in beside her.

"Tell me." He demanded, once they had ordered more drinks from the waitress roaming the bar.

Jean's lip trembled and she sucked it between her teeth and tapped her fingers against the table, "It was - I mean, it wasn't - It wasn't an entirely consensual -"

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Tom roared, startling a few people close by.

He smiled assuringly at them before turning back to her, his eyes dark and protective, "Are you telling me that he - Without your permission?"

She shook her head, "More like, I was drunk and - I pleaded with him to. But then he just - took whatever he wanted. Didn't ask me if it was okay. Didn't say anything. Just - there were things I didn't want to do but I... I was scared."

"Fuck." Tom breathed out heavily, his hand rubbing her shoulder comfortingly as she swiped a tear from beneath her lashes.

When their drinks arrived, Jean took down two shots in quick succession before taking a few quick gulps of her beer.

"So, you're getting hammered with me, instead of telling Jake who would immediately get this fucker kicked out and not leave your side for the rest of the evening?" Tom scoffed, even as she downed another shot.

She shrugged and responded, "Yep, guess so."

"I'll fucking kill the prick." He muttered irately and she sighed and pointed at him drunkenly, "And this is exactly why you can't tell Jake. He will kill him."

He met her stare and then sighed, nostrils flaring as he rolled his eyes and handed Jean another shot before taking one himself, "Fine. But only because this is a big night for Jake. Then you have to tell him. And all bets are off for this mother fucker."

Jake Gyllenhaal One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now