Simple Science

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Jake attends an astronomy convention with you. That's it. That's the plot ❤️

"Oh my god, is that The Very Large Array made out of Lego!?" You asked, your feet immediately pulling you away from the 'Jet Propulsion Laboratory' display towards another kiosk.

Jake groaned but he had a rather entertained grin on his face, "Babe, we've been here for three hours. How did you find something new to look at!?"

"Hmm?" You said distractedly, your eyes roaming the intricate shape of the radio telescopes as he came to stand beside you.

"Is that those dishes in New Mexico? The ones in that movie?" He wondered and you looked up and grinned brightly, "The movie is Contact. And yes, these are the radio telescopes in New Mexico. It was used to receive radio communications from Voyager 2 as it flew past Neptune in 1989."

"Cool." Jake responded simply and you giggled and linked your arm with his own, tugging him gently towards one of the last stalls, "I really appreciate you coming with me. I know this isn't your thing -"

"You're my thing, baby. And you're having a ball, that's all that matters to me." He interrupted and your face split into another grin before your gaze was distracted once more.

You ran ahead of him and stopped in front of a massive collection of meteorite specimens and jewellery. Jake stood at your side and watched intently as your fingers brushed over a particular necklace in awe, your eyes glued to it's intricate patterns and shine.

"Baby, I'm gonna go grab some coffee for us, okay? Why don't you keep looking around and I'll come find you." He piped up and you looked up at him guiltily, "Go sit down and relax for awhile. How about I meet you at the coffee place in twenty minutes?"

He nodded and swept in for a brief kiss, "See you soon, nerd."

You chuckled and rolled your eyes, continuing your browsing.

Twenty minutes later, as promised, you joined Jake in a small booth at the back of a coffee shop and leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek, "Thank you for putting up with me today."

He raised his brow and seemed amused, "You're acting like I didn't enjoy myself."

You took a sip of coffee gratefully and cocked your head, "I just dragged you around an astronomy convention and forced you to sit through three lectures presented by astrophysicists."

He laughed and ran his knuckles along your cheek, "I just watched the most beautiful woman in the world 'geek out' over astronomy all day and it was the most adorable thing I've ever seen."

"Really?" You asked with a blush and he smirked and nodded, "I got you something."

"Please don't tell me you bought me a star. You know they're -"

"A hoax." Jake finished with a sniff of laughter, "I know, you nerd. I remember you telling me."

"Huh. So you do listen when I rant about astronomy." You joked, hiding a grin behind your cup and he glared and pulled out a small black box from the inside of his jacket, "Stop being a smart arse and open it."

You tentatively took the box, biting your lip in thought as you undid the yellow ribbon on top and pulled off the lid.

"Jake!" You squealed, before slapping a hand over your mouth in embarrassment.

He cackled, "It's just a necklace, baby. Not the Moon."

"No, you don't understand! This is a cross section of an iron meteorite showcasing the Widmanstätten pattern." You expressed excitedly, your fingers ghosting over the small ridges of the rectangular shaped pendant on a silver chain.

Jake furrowed his brows, "You mean, all those cool looking lines?"

You nodded eagerly and explained, "This meteorite landed in Munionlusta, just outside of Sweden. The meteor it came from is 4.5 billion years old."

"Holy shit, seriously?" He wondered in genuine astonishment and you nodded excitedly, "The patterning on the metal is called the 'Widmanstätten Pattern' and it only forms through an extremely slow cooling process. We're talking only 100 degrees Celsius every one million years."

He took the necklace from your hand and rotated it to get a better look, "Okay, that's extremely cool. So, this necklace is 4.5 billion years old?"

"Yes! How insane is that?! Just to think that it came into existence around the same time that the Earth did, I mean -" You imitated your head exploding and Jake laughed and spun his finger, "Turn around, baby. Let me put it on."

You swivelled away from him and felt the cool metal against your neck as he clasped it and placed an affectionate kiss against the back of your neck, "Perfect."

You turned back to face him, your hands cupping his cheeks. You appreciated the isolated quality of the booth and the relative quiet of the coffee shop. It meant you could both be extremely affectionate in public, where you would usually be a little more careful at least.

"Thank you. So much. This is honestly the most thoughtful gift I've ever received. I love it." You expressed earnestly and he leaned in with a soft smile and met your lips for a long yet chaste kiss.

When you pulled away, he thumbed at the necklace around your neck and met your gaze, "And I love you."

Your mouth gaped and your eyes blinked rapidly, unsure if you'd just imagined Jake's proclimation.

He blushed and stared at you curiously until you swallowed and your brain finally caught up with your words, "Jake. I love you too."

His face split into a relieved smile and he took your face in his hands once more, his lips ghosting over your own.

"I love you to the ends of the observable Universe." He whispered against your mouth.

You giggled and ran your fingers through his hair, "Now who's the nerd."

Jake just smiled for the millionth time that day and kissed you again.

Jake Gyllenhaal One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora