Glowing, brownish-orange chatoyant eyes opened amidst the darkness. They made eye-contact with the mismatched eyes. Both of their gazes never wavering away from one another.

"Oh, these? Hahaha, they are gifts that my friends gave," The person chuckled underneath their breath, as one of their hands subconsciously touched the weapon hoisted on their back, "I came directly from there anyways."

"It must have been tiring, isn't it?"

The bartender appeared out from the kitchen and placed the cup of brewed coffee onto the table. The steam rose from the liquid's surface; showing that it was fresh out.

The person thanked the bartender and picked up the cup from its saucer, taking a sip of the coffee. A fleeting expression on the person's face showed content and soon their tense muscles relaxed, and a smile graced their lips.

The bartender left and retreated back into the kitchen, giving space for the person and the one hiding in the darkness to speak.

"It wasn't that bad." The person replied to the previous question thrown to them. "Even if we are on different sides, we had shared the same past, so we will respect the decisions of others. In the end, we acknowledged that we had parted ways."

The chatoyant eyes screwed slightly, indicating a smile growing on their face. "He must be proud of you. To have found a place that suits you more than there. He always spoke about you, and how it doesn't fit well for you."

"He was always looking out for me back then." A breath of air left the person's nose in a form of laughter. The person's heart swelled, and the corner of their lips stretched into a smile. The happiness evidently reaching their eyes as well, lighting up briefly with a soft flicker. "It was a coincidence that I had found that place. It was luck. Nothing more than that. If I wasn't there on the bridge by the river, I wouldn't have met the people who brought me in."

Mismatched eyes looked away and watched as the steam floating off the surface of the coffee slowly drifted upwards.

"It might be more than that. The wishes that he always asked for, might have been granted. For all those children that he couldn't save, and for his own life as well, they were fulfilled to let you live a better life."

"Their lives in exchange for one of his wishes huh..." The person's head drooped forward slightly, eyes staring down at the countertop. Hair covered over their eyes, covering their expression. "He shouldn't have risked his life to get back at the organisation because they killed those children... It was that boss' fault that those children died. He knew that it would happen, but he didn't inform him. In return, those children died and to exact revenge on both that boss and the organisation who planted the bomb, he lost his life in the end.

"I'm sure they wouldn't want him to do them revenge. If the children are able to speak up in heaven, they would tell him not to do anything."

"He's a good person. Down in his heart." The voice commented. "Time had passed. I'm sure he's looking out for those kids right now, up in the skies. And he's looking out for you now as well. So lift up your spirits and look forth. Don't look back and think too much Little one."

The person's head shot up and started breaking into laughter. "Little one huh? You guys have never stopped with that nickname."

The voice let out a low chuckle. His laughter reverberated throughout the whole bar. "Because you are one. Anyone who steps into this bar is just a customer. Your past or your future doesn't matter."

"That's what you say, and here you are, trying to bring my spirit up." The person chuckled once more, making eye-contact with the brownish-orange chatoyant eyes glowing in contrast to the darkness for a few seconds. The person held up their coffee cup and took a sip.

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