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We sat at the dinner table, the atmosphere laden with awkwardness. My gaze shifted from my dad to Zane, then to my mom, and finally encompassing them all. Confusion enveloped me like never before.

"Will someone finally explain what's going on?" I couldn't bear the silence any longer. I needed someone to break it before I lost my sanity.

"Nothing, sweetheart. Nothing. Let's just have dinner. Zane, do we have enough for two more people?" My dad forced a smile while looking at Zane. Even someone with poor vision could see through my father's forced smile. It was painfully obvious.

"Yes, of course, Mr. Vasilios. I'll get the plates, and we can start dinner," Zane replied, his voice trembling with fear. Now my curiosity only intensified. Something was happening between those two, but I couldn't quite decipher what. And I probably never would, as I was flying back to California tomorrow.

As soon as Zane was out of earshot, I glared at my dad. "What was that all about?" I whispered. "And you better tell me the truth!"

My dad cleared his throat. "Nothing, sweetheart. I'm just protective of you."

I laughed incredulously. "Protective? Dad, I'm an adult. I have my own company, I earn my own money, and I take care of myself!"

"She's right," my mom chimed in. "Tonight, you went a bit too far. She wanted to spend time with Zane before she leaves tomorrow, and you had to ruin it."

My dad shot my mom a look of disbelief. "You can still talk to Zane while we're here. You two are just friends and have nothing to hide, right?"

"You know what? I don't have time to argue with you. Why can't you just let me go?"

"Because this world is full of evil," he stated firmly. "I want to protect my daughter, but instead, she's being so ungrateful." That was the final straw. My dad's overprotectiveness had reached its peak today. "You know what, enjoy your dinner with Zane. I'm going home. Thank you for ruining my night!"

I stood up abruptly and stormed out of the kitchen. Grabbing my coat, I headed straight for my car. Tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn't wait to leave this infuriating city tomorrow.

Once I arrived home, I rushed to my room and dialed Angelica's number. I needed to vent. I wanted to unload everything that was weighing on my chest. Thankfully, Angelica picked up after the second ring.

I spent nearly half an hour on the phone with her, doing most of the talking while she occasionally murmured a "right," "okay," or "go on." She never interrupted me. That's one thing I've always loved about Angelica. She listens attentively and offers her perspective without judgment.

"It seems like you're still deeply in love with Zane," she remarked after I finished ranting. "You may deny it, but honey, it's obvious to anyone with eyes how much he adores you. And given your dad's overprotectiveness, this shouldn't come as a surprise."

I let out a deep sigh. "I'm an adult now, and I wish my dad would treat me like one. I don't know what to make of Zane. He's still talking to Savannah."

"Maybe they ended their relationship on good terms. Rumor has it that Savannah is already married."

"She is?" I asked. "But then again, marriage doesn't always prevent people from cheating."

"For goodness' sake, stop overthinking!"

I was about to respond when I heard a knock on my door.

"Amari, I brought dinner for you."

It was my mom. I quickly bid farewell to Angelica and went to open the door for her. My mom stood there with a container and a glass of juice in her hand, offering me a faint smile. "Can I come in?"

I nodded and stepped aside to let her enter. Closing the door behind us, I watched as she sat on the edge of my bed. She placed the container and glass on my nightstand before looking up at me. "I'm so sorry for tonight."

I shook my head. "You weren't the one at fault. I'm angry with Dad."

"I know, sweetie," she said, motioning for me to sit beside her. "On our way home, I gave him a piece of my mind." I beamed. That's precisely why I adore my mom. She's always been kind and understanding. She believes in hearing both sides of a story before taking a stance. "Why did Dad react that way? Why was he so furious about Zane and me having dinner?"

Mom shrugged, her expression thoughtful. "I'm trying to figure that out too, sweetie. I asked him on the way home, and all he said was that he struggles to see you grow up. To him, you'll always be his little girl. He's afraid of someone breaking your heart. He doesn't want to see you hurt and sad because of some silly boy."

I laughed, knowing the truth was far more complicated. "If only he knew. Can you please tell him that I can handle myself? I'm not a fragile baby. I'm a strong, independent woman capable of dealing with a broken heart."

"Is that so?" Mom asked, a smile playing on her lips. "I'm incredibly proud of the woman you've become, sweetie. And I can't wait for you to find someone who appreciates and loves you like the precious gem you are. Speaking of love, have you found your Prince Charming yet? You never discuss your love life with me, and it's a bit disappointing."

I chuckled, knowing my love life was nonexistent. "I'm not dating anyone right now, Mama. Work keeps me incredibly busy, leaving little time for dates."

"Are you interested in someone? Someone whose name starts with a Z and ends with Ane."

I nearly choked on my saliva. She couldn't have just said that. "Mama, please, we're just friends."

"Friends? Are you sure? Because I've seen the way he looks at you."

"How does he look at me?"

Taking a deep breath, Mom placed her hand on my cheek. "He looks at you as if you're the answer to all his questions."

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