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As I sat at my cluttered desk, surrounded by stacks of papers and a seemingly never-ending to-do list, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. The day had been filled with back-to-back meetings, and now it was already late. I glanced at the clock and realized I was running behind schedule for the dinner I had planned with Zane, my boyfriend.

It felt so good to say that.

Just as panic started to settle in, my dedicated personal assistant, appeared at my side, sensing my distress. She wore a warm smile on her face, always ready to lend a helping hand. "Thank you so much for helping me out," I expressed my gratitude to her, grateful for her support. "I'm already late for dinner."

Her eyes widened with concern as she realized the predicament I was in. "Oh my, why don't you go ahead, and I will do the rest for you," she suggested, her voice full of understanding. "You've been in and out of meetings the whole day. You deserve a break."

Her offer felt like a lifeline in that moment. I hesitated for a second, contemplating if I could leave the chaos on my desk for someone else to sort out. The trust I had in my PA, built over time, reassured me that everything would be in capable hands. "You're an angel," I exclaimed with gratitude, my words laced with relief, as I grabbed my bag and hurried towards the office exit.

Outside, the evening air greeted me, and I exhaled deeply, releasing the stress that had been building up throughout the day. My driver, James, awaited me beside the sleek car, ready to whisk me away to the eagerly anticipated dinner at my home. I settled into the comfortable seat, feeling a sense of liberation as the vehicle glided through the bustling city streets.

Tonight was a special occasion for Zane and me. We had decided it was time to gather our loved ones and officially host a dinner as a couple. It was a significant step in our relationship, and we were excited to celebrate this milestone together. Zane, the talented chef, had taken on the role of cooking for the evening, allowing me to focus on my professional commitments.

As we approached my house, anticipation mixed with a tinge of nervousness fluttered in my stomach. I hoped everything would go smoothly, knowing that my PA had taken care of the preparations in my absence. The door swung open, revealing a beautifully set dining table adorned with flowers and candles, casting a soft glow across the room.

Zane greeted me with a warm smile as he bustled about the kitchen, preparing the final touches for the meal. The aroma of his culinary creations wafted through the air, tantalizing my senses and further stimulating my appetite.

As the enticing aromas of Zane's culinary masterpiece filled the air, I found myself unable to contain my gratitude. With a warm embrace, I wrapped my arms around him, feeling the comfort and love radiate between us. "Thank you for being the perfect cook," I expressed, my words laced with sincerity and admiration.

Zane placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, his affectionate gesture making my heart flutter. "Everything for my sugarplum," he responded, his voice brimming with affection. "Now go ahead and change. They will be here any second."

Taking his cue, I made my way upstairs, eager to freshen up before the arrival of our guests. A refreshing shower rejuvenated my senses, washing away the stresses of the day. Afterward, I carefully applied my makeup, adding a touch of elegance to my appearance.

Adorned in a light blue dress with delicate ruffles cascading down the sides, reaching just above my knees, I admired my reflection in the mirror. The dress exuded a graceful charm, complementing the joyful anticipation in my heart.

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