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I grumbled, annoyed, as I snatched the red envelope from her grasp. "I had made a promise to myself to keep my distance from him."

"Why did you make such a promise?" Angelica asked softly, fiddling with my bedsheets. "You're hurting yourself."

"If I could go without him for five years, I can do it for the rest of my life," I confidently declared.

"No, you can't. If that were true, you would already be engaged to Thomas Griffen," she stated matter-of-factly.

Thomas Griffen was a close friend from my last year of college. We spent a lot of time together, studying and hanging out.

We were often regarded as the 'power couple.'

Many people believed we had an exceptional chemistry that was rare to find.

On graduation day, he asked me to be his girlfriend officially.

Any girl would have said yes to that.

He would have been the perfect boyfriend, fiance, and husband. He was intelligent, well-mannered, and handsome.

Thomas had all the qualities one could desire, but still... I turned him down.

I couldn't envision a future with him. I couldn't picture having children with him or waking up next to him every morning.

It just didn't feel right. And that was enough reason for me to decline.

"He simply wasn't my type. I've told you this before," I said, running my fingers through my tangled hair.

I only revealed half the truth to Angelica, as I wasn't ready to disclose the person I envisioned my future with.

"Zane is your type," she concluded, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Um... what are you trying to do?" I asked, growing more annoyed.

"Let's make a deal. Go to the auction with Zane tonight. If things don't work out, I won't mention him again for the rest of my life."

I gave her a pointed look. "I don't know..."

"Oh, come on. The way you talk about him, it sounds like things will never work out. So just give it a try. It's only a few hours," she paused, then added, "and by the way... it's only one-sided love, right? So it won't be that difficult."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. She was definitely testing me, but I'll prove to her that Zane and I will never be like old times, let alone a couple. The mere thought of it makes me want to burst into laughter.

"Find me a dress to wear."
The auction took place at Zane's parents' mansion in Central Park South. When I arrived, Zane was already waiting for me outside on the marble steps.

He looked incredibly handsome, standing there in a sharp, well-fitted suit, most likely custom-made and worth a fortune.

It's widely known that the Shaw family enjoys spending exorbitant amounts of money on their appearance... and their home.

The last time I visited, the steps were made of concrete, not marble.

There was no small pathway leading to the stairs.

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