Chapter 2: How they met

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Fell felt like he was in a dream. From one moment to another, the inky blackness he had once been in disappeared, and he was enveloped in a white and golden glow.

Was he dead? Was he going to heaven? He didn't know himself, but whatever it was, it made him feel like he was going to a better place.

But it all ended much too quickly.

Fell gave a sharp gasp as he bolted upright. He was sitting on a snowy ground as he panted heavily, tightly gripping at his shirt where his soul would be.

It had all been a dream. The white light, the golden glow, the feeling of going to a better place, all of it had just been a dream. Or at least, he thought it was a dream.

Fell put a hand on the front of his skull. He had a slight headache, but at least it was bearable.

Where was he? He looked at his surroundings, eyes scanning the dense arrangement of trees around him. He appeared to be in Snowdin Forest, but something seemed... Off... About this place. Had the machine actually worked?

Once he was done observing, he slowly got up and proceeded to stretch his arms up since they were feeling tense, as if he had been in the same position for too long, taking a deep breath of the frigid air. After giving it some thought, he decided that the best thing to do right now was head towards town since he couldn't just stand there, so he started walking in the direction he assumed Snowdin must be.

As he walked, he remembered that his sentry stand must be close by. If he could find it, he could make his way back for sure.

About five minutes later, he came to a clearing, and on the other side of it was a little stand. Fell felt great relief after finding it. He stepped towards it, but stopped dead in his tracks halfway to the stand.

'There's someone there' was what went through Fell's mind, and indeed there was someone at the stand, but whoever it was, it seemed like they were sleeping, cause their head was resting on their arms.

Feeling a little uneasy, Fell slowly walked closer and cautiously peeked over at the intruder, but when he saw who it was, his eyes went wide and he froze in place from the shock.

The person who was sleeping on the stand was himself. Or rather it looked like himself, but much less scary and edgy like him, wearing a blue jacket instead of a black one with spikes like his. To put it simply, this doppelganger looked softer, lazier, maybe even in some way cuter than he was... Fell hated to admit such a thing, cause he was literally looking at himself, but it was true, he looked like a marshmallow compared to how spiky and edgy he was.

Fell stared at his double for a good half a minute before he very cautiously and very softly poked him to try to wake him up. Feel wasn't sure if he should really be doing that, but really,what choice did he have? Just leave behind this monster that looked almost exactly like him? Unthinkable.

The other him shifted slightly, but didn't wake up. Fell hesitated before he tried again, getting the same result. He figured he might as we try one last time, which finally managed to get the other to wake up.

The other him yawned, not really opening thier eyes, stretching his bones a bit before saying "Heya Pap-". He didn't finish his sentence because he had finally opened his eyes and realized who it was that had woken him up.

They were both staring at each other for a good while, the blue jacket skeleton appearing to be just as surprised as his lookalike before saying "It's happening... "

Fell blinked, feeling a little awkward. "Uhh....What?" he asked. The other him just simply shook his head, instead giving him a smile and offering him his hand. "I'm Sans," the softer skeleton said with a grin, looking quite harmless compared to what Fell was used to.

~The light of my life~ (Ut!Sans x Uf!Sans) (Kustard)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora