After we eat breakfast we shower together then change before walking across the street to meet the realtor who's showing us the apartment. Our hands swing between us as we walk into the building, both of us practically buzzing with excitement.

We meet the realtor in the lobby then get in the elevator and go up to the very top floor with her. The doors ding open and my excitement grows as we walk down the hallway that's beautiful itself until we reach the door on the very end.

This could be home.

She unlocks it and pushes the door open, revealing the living room first. Lexi and I both let out little gasps as stunning floor to ceiling windows that overlook the sprawling city that we both love with all of our hearts are revealed to us.

"God, it's even more beautiful than the pictures," Alexis mumbles as we walk in and I nod in  agreement, too entranced by the view to respond verbally.

"The shades on all the windows are motorized and remote controlled," the realtor informs us as we walk closer to the windows to admire the view, but I'm barely listening to her.

"Out that window you can see Dodgers Stadium," she adds and Lexi practically sprints to the other window and presses her face against the glass.

"Baby, we have to buy this place," she says while continuing to stare through the glass, and I chuckle to myself as I watch her lovingly. She's so cute when she's excited. "I'm a simple woman. I see the Dodgers, I buy."

I snort at that and walk into the kitchen, which is recently renovated and full of beautiful modern appliances without being overly flashy. In fact the whole apartment is modern and on the larger side without being over the top. Three bedrooms (one of which we're converting into a studio), two baths, a little laundry room, a large living space with gorgeous views, and a beautiful kitchen off to the side.

An island separates the kitchen from the living room, and I smirk to myself when I think about how much space there is for Lexi and I to, well you know...without worrying about Finneas and Claudia walking in.

She shows us the bedrooms next, and by the time we reach the master bedroom I honestly feel ready to cry. I can really see myself here, and it's obvious that Lexi can too.

We stand in front of one of the large windows together, Lexi behind my with her arms around my waist and her chin on my shoulder, the same way we so often find ourselves.

"I don't even wanna look at the other places, this is perfect," she whispers and I nod with a hum.

"I know. I already feel like this is home but I hate saying that before we know for sure if we can make it ours."

She kisses my cheek then pulls away from me and lets out a nervous huff, "Alright, lets tell her we wanna make an offer."

We walk hand in hand back into the main living area where the realtor is looking over some paperwork, and she looks up with a smile when we walk in.

"So, what do you two think?" she asks and Alexis and I share a smile.

"We want to make an offer," I say and the realtor smiles even wider.

"Excellent, I just have some paperwork here that I'll pass off to the owner today," she says and takes some papers out for us to look over.

A little while later we head back to my apartment, but only for a little while before heading out again to go to the venue for the last show of my tour. Soundcheck runs smoothly, and then I'm whisked away by my team to do some interviews before the meet and greet. As much as I love preforming and meeting fans every night, all I can think about is how after this tour ends I get a few months to just focus on myself and the people I care about.

Void // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now