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Viviana and Christian arrived in Fiji for their honeymoon and were welcomed to the most beautiful suite. On the bed laid rose petals and a box of chocolates with a congratulations card.

"Baby, looook. There's chocolates." Vivi said, looking at Christian who was out on their balcony. "Oh my god, the view.." She said, walking out there and wrapped her arms around Christian.

Christian smiled, wrapping an arm around Viviana. "And we have our own hot tub, how cool is that?" He asked, kissing her head. "This view is beautiful... We really hit the jackpot with this honeymoon."

"I can't believe our parents really paid for us. We owe them.." Viviana said, looking up at Christian, "I think we should buy them something nice or pay for a vacation that they wanna take.."

He nodded, "When my mom told me I thought she was joking." Christian laughed, "But I agree, we owe them big time." He rubbed her side and looked back at their view. "Why don't you get a pretty dress on and we'll go to dinner?"

Vivi smiles and nodded, "I think that will be wonderful.." She walked into the room, looking in her suitcase, pulling out a cute sundress, holding it up. "This one okay?"

"You look good in anything so whatever you wanna wear, babygirl." Christian said, flashing a smile at her.

Vivi rolled her eyes, blushing as she went into the bathroom, changing into the sundress. She took a look at herself in the mirror; It had been a while since she wore a dress like this. She finally was starting to feel confident in herself again, being more comfortable in allowing Christian to see her either with no clothes or barely any clothes on.

She took a deep breath, fixing her hair and did a side look of her, seeing how her curves looked in the dress. Viviana walked out of the bathroom and looked at Christian who had changed into a pair of black jeans and a casual dress shirt. He looked over at her and then shook his head, "No way you're my wife." He said, walking up to her, "Holy shit, baby. You look amazing. I haven't seen you wear one of these in a while..." Christian put his hands on her hips, causing Vivi to blush. "I really have the most gorgeous wife.."

"Oh, stop it." Viviana giggled, kissing his cheek. "You look very handsome, baby. I love when you wear shirts like this..." She fixed it a bit, looking at him with a smile on her face.

Christian kissed her lightly, moving his hands to her ass, grabbing it. Vivi giggled against his lips, wrapping her arms around his neck. She pulled away and shook her head at him, "Hands off, mister."

"No way. We're married now, so what's yours is mine. You do have my last name now..." Christian replied, keeping his hands on her ass.

Vivi rolled her eyes, "Whatever, Yelich." She laughed, moving his hands and grabbed her phone. "Ready to go?" She asked as Christian nodded, grabbing her hand and walked out the door of their room and walked to one of the outdoor restaurants.

They took a seat at a restaurant, sitting across from one another. Viviana smiled at him, "This really is nice.." She commented.

Christian nodded, "Oh hell yeah. And it's nice to be away from work and whatnot. Even a break from Eiley, even though I miss her giggles." He laughed, taking a drink of water.

"Yeah, I miss her giggles and her yelling for us. She really does brighten up the day.." Vivi said, looking at her phone, then at him, "I still can't believe how big she's gotten.."

"I know, it's crazy. Still crazy to think we have a kid, honestly. Like, we're married, have a kid, and having a good life, I think we're doing good."

Vivi giggled, nodding, "We definitely are."

Christian smiled. "I think that you and I deserve this break." He told her, "Youve been working hard to get back into modeling and you're a kickass mother, you deserve it the most." Vivi smiles at him, rolling her eyes.

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now