Chapter 31

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|| Y/N's POV ||

Matt truly is the greatest boyfriend ever he made me realize the true meaning of love.

We were on our way to my house and Matt kept saying how much he loved me till he stopped to look and me.

"What?" I asked confused "This whole ride home I told you how much I loved you and you haven't told me you loved me back,once.Why is that??" he said to me with a blank expression.

"The last time I thought I loved someone I told him and he said it back, but he didn't mean it and he just blew me off for some one else he's not even with anymore so.... sorry I'm just learning to to love again." I said while I tried to hop off the car to go inside when Matt yanked my hand back into a hug.

"I'm coming in and you can't stop me" he finished and carried me inside. He popped in a movie grabbed snacks and blankets "We'll learn to love together, I understand what happened in the past but I want you to understand that I will never ever hurt you, I hop in front of a bullet for you. A life without you is a life I don't want to imagine, cause you're that much more important than anyone else." he said looking at me with the most heart felt look as sealed it with a kiss.

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