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|| Y/N's POV ||

"You look hot yourself" he said in a blush dammit did I think out loud?? "yes and you're doing it again" he said with his little giggle and blush and looked down "so uh you ready to go!?" I asked nonchalantly "Ready when you are love"

I walked in and immediately smelled alcohol "great" I mumbled under my breath "uh Matt, is that alcohol?" I asked pretty nervous I mean WE'RE 16!! "Ya, why?!" he said why giggling at my question "Matt I hope you know maybe the FACT THAT WE'RE ONLY 16!!!!!!!!!!" I said putting my hand on my head as I did my shirt went up and showed my toned stomach "Woah looks like some one was working out" he said with a smirk while pulling me in by my waist while my shirt was still up "Shut up Matt." I said pushing him away and walking away with my face burning up really fast.

People started to arrive I spotted my "squad": Christi Sarah and Jewel "hey girls." I say catching up to the them "omg hey!!!" Jewel said "Ayeee" I heard Christi say "Hi!" replied Sarah. This party just or started!!

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