the plan

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Applejack pov
I looked at the horrible sight in front of me. Rarity laying on the floor shot her daughter next to her crying and screaming. I rushed up and sat next to rarity checking her pulse. Phew there is still is a pluse that is very light. Looks like fancy pants bolted after shooting her. I looked at her daughter who was sobbing next to rarity. I took out my phone as fast as I could and dialed 911. 'Hello what is your emergency' the operator spoke.
'There has been a shooting at 12612 starswirls road please help' I say frantically.
'We will be there as soon as possible' they say back and hang up

In very few minutes I hear sirens from outside. Rarity Is still unconscious. Soon enough I hear hard knocking I ran down the spiral staircase almost falling a lot of times. I quickly opened the door pointing up stairs. They frantically went upstairs. 'BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ' I took out my phone to see what it was buzzing about.
                   TEXT CHAT
Pinkie pie: hey you aren't in your bed you ok

Me:I went to go see rarity and when I got here I heard a loud noise.  Then I saw her lying on the floor shoot wound in her stomach I called the police/ambulance the are here now

Pinkie pie: omg I will get the girls up tell me what hospital

Me: k, will call you in about 10-15min

End text conversation

(Still AJ pov)
I was scared,more scared then I ever was before I told her I could get her out. I hope I wasn't too late, I just want to protect her just wanted to love

It's been a while.  I know it's been really long and the chapter short but it's better nothing

You Saved Me:rarijack Where stories live. Discover now