Part 5

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'Pavel!' Dome exclaimed. 'What are you doing?!'

The bigger guy pinned him down on the sofa and Dome couldn't move. He was still feeling weak and Pavel has always been much stronger, so his feeble attempt at escaping was futile.

Pavel had an evil smile on his face as he was looking down at Dome. His onscreen partner has this effect on him, like gasoline on fire.

Oh, the things that he could do to this guy!

Dome's body slumped as he stopped fighting. What else could he do? Whatever Pavel wants, Pavel gets. He might as well stop resisting. His face was clouded with resignation and sadness.

Catching his partner's reaction, Pavel came to his senses and released Dome from his iron grip. It was as if someone doused him with cold water.

'What are we doing?' Pavel said, as he placed his forehead on Dome's chest. 'I'm sorry,' he whispered.

Dome didn't answer. He was tired.

Tired from work. Tired of this roller coaster of emotions. Tired of always smiling even if his insides were in knots. Tired of Pavel not listening. Tired of Pavel holding him so close. Tired of wishing that one day Pavel would love him back.

Pavel wanted to close his eyes and sleep on top of Dome forever, but he knew that 1) it's an impossible task, and 2) it wouldn't accomplish anything. So instead, he sat up and pulled Dome to him.

Dome wouldn't look him in the eyes, so Pavel held his hands. He's not dumb—he may look like it, but he's not. He knew Dome fell in love with him a long time ago, and that's one of the reasons he kept teasing him, on and off camera. He knew that he hurt Dome, and for that he couldn't forgive himself. But his hands are also tied. With his girlfriend. With everyone around them.

Acting on TV was easy. Making yourself appear courageous and strong was easy. But reconciling what your heart desires and what society expects of you? It's fucking tough, man. It's a nightmare.

Pavel didn't know what to say. He was trying to think of something, but all he had were thousands of words jumbled in his head.

'I'm tired. I wanna go to sleep,' Dome said, staring at the floor, with his voice sounding as if he was going to weep. It was ripping Pavel's chest.

'Can I... can I sleep beside you?' Pavel asked.

Dome frowned. 'I don't think that's a good idea...'

'Please? For me? I...' Pavel sighed. He tightened his grip. Where are the fucking words when you fucking need them??

Dome wanted to push Pavel out of the condo. He wanted to push him out of his life completely.

But his body had other plans.

Dome stood and walked towards the bedroom, pulling Pavel with him.

Damn with the consequences.


Author's note:

Hey, guys. If you like this story, please like and comment so I get to know how you feel, and for Wattpad to recommend this story to others 😉


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