Chapter 14: Post-Show Depression

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That is the word I would use to describe that Sunday.

I'd heard about post-show depression from others, but I had never felt it for myself. Even my usual mind-numbing entertainment did nothing to assuage me, and the thought of returning to my regular routine was horrible.

To be honest, I'd been hoping for some sort of messages. I mostly wanted one from Vince, but I also wouldn't have objected to acknowledgement from Kelsey. I sat around moping until mid-afternoon, willing anything of the sort to show up.

I gave up and tried my hand at writing, only to find that most of my words were generic and I couldn't think up riveting story lines at all.

I was back on the sofa wallowing when my parents came home.

"Hey kiddo," My dad called out as he hung up his ragged old coat. "I haven't seen you in years."

It was almost true. He'd pretty much been working the entirety of the past month and I hadn't seen him much at all.

"What did you end up getting into this weekend?" Mom asked as she sat down beside me, her body relaxing on its home turf.

"Ashley and Mandy came over last night," I lied. "Corinne was sick and stayed home. We just hung out and watched movies."

"Bad dinosaur ones?" She inquired.

"Nah," I told her. "Mean Girls, a timeless classic."

"Seems a little boring to me," she judged, never a fan of what she described as vulgar humor.

I just shrugged my shoulders and re-positioned myself on the couch.

"Got any pizza left over?" My dad probed hopefully as he shuffled through the contents of the fridge.

"Nope," I replied. "We ate it all like three little piggies."

I'd actually spent the pizza money on merchandise from the show, but my mother would never have to know that. As time crept on, she'd never even remember not having bought me such a shirt or a poster in the first place.

We were lazy for dinner that night. My father threw a bunch of hamburger in the crock pot, and after adding a copious amount of seasonings and cracking open pre-packaged shredded cheese, we were ready to feast on nachos.

I tucked myself into bed that night still feeling depressed and trying to will my arm into not picking up my silent phone.

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