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Imma start time jumping a lot because this book is beginning to be really long
3 months later
April 3rd
" So you telling me that this building is only $100,000 just to purchase it " Destiny said

" Yes ma'am it's a very large building plus its duplex so that's why it cost so much " the owner Kelly said

" Damn that's a lot " I said eating my chocolate strawberries looking around the place

" Only two people rented this place first it was like a bar then it was a clothing store but because of the rent fees and everything they just shut it down " Kelly said " there is actually two doors to get inside, all the way on the other side there's a door that lead you straight upstairs instead of coming this way and going through all that " she said showing us

" I like it, we should get it " I said looking at the simple things that I would like to replace

" Yea me too but $100,000 just to get the building then we have to reconstruct it the way we like then buy the things that would go inside here, imagine what the bills and shit would look like " Destiny rambled on

" You do not have to pay it all at the same time, you can do a payment plan, plus inside the $100,00 is the construction free and the first month payments " Kelly said

" Alright that sounds great " destiny said

" And I'm partnered up with a construction team so you don't have to go out looking " Kelly said " Since I like you guys y'all have two to three weeks to figure out what y'all would like to do just text me when y'all have made up y'all mind, usually it's one week " She said

" Thank you, you will hear from us for sure " Destiny said as we walked out the building

" That will be lovely, you girls have a nice day " Kelly said locking up the door walking to her truck. We waved and got in my car. Now let me tell y'all these few months have been good I graduate next month FINALLY I kinda sorta been stress free I'm trying not to stress, I'm now four months I'm kinda showing if I have my shirt off you can see it clearly, I'm actually really excited about my baby I can't wait but anyways me and Destiny are out, we was looking for a building for out shop since we can't keep shipping everything out so why not make it a store. We been out all day doing shit now it's around 4 o'clock and we have to go pick up Courtney.

" So Girl let me tell you John want me to move in with him " Destiny said

" That's smart y'all already have a child plus one one the way " I said

" I know but still ion know he be doing too much some times " She said as I pulled up to the daycare

" I think it would be fine, y'all known each other for a long ass time and you been over there for a brick so I don't see the problem " I said

" I guess, I'll be back " She said getting out the car, meanwhile I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through ig until she came out with a sleeping Courtney

" Girl Kiarra still in there she crying her little eyes out, I tried to sign her out but the lady said you or Dave have to get her " She said once she strapped Courtney in

" Me?! When this happen " I said pulling out my phone going to Dave contact clicking it but it went straight to voicemail " Let me go get her then " I said getting out the car walking into the daycare signed her out and walked out

" What's the matter boo " I said wiping her face walking to the car

" I want daddy " she said

" Its Alright we going to get some food and go to your daddy ok " I said strapping her in. She just nodded her head, I closed her door and got in the car

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