1. louis and poppy

Start from the beginning

"it was the parking lot."

madame erin pinches the bridge of her nose. "your parenting methods are not normal and they're not safe. and honestly, mr. tomlinson, i don't think you're fit to be a parent."

louis has heard this spiel from numerous other people - the babysitter, his aunt mildred, his best friend stan, his biological father, his little sister fizzy, and madame erin (who will not stop giving it to him). he sighs. "look, i'm not a bad parent."

madame erin doesn't respond.

"poppy doesn't have anyone else. alexis is off in the states touring with some upcoming rock band. she's not interested in poppy. i'm all she has."

"what about your mother? or a family member? someone better equipped to take care of a child." she says. she grabs a manila file with poppy's name on it in big pink bubble letters. "i'm worried about her safety now."

louis' eyebrows furrow. "its none of your business how i take care of her! she's fine!"

madame erin leans forward. "is she?"

louis huffs, and pushes the chair back as he stands up. "yes. she's fine. she doesn't go to bed cold, or hungry. i spend time with her. i have a job - a good job that pays the bills, and she has enough clothes and toys. my daughter is fine."

madame erin sighs. "i'm just trying to look after her."

"well, i'm her dad, so i can look after her myself."

she stands up. "alright. if it happens again, though, i might need to call child services."

louis rolls his eyes, "you've got to be kidding me."

"i do not kid about the well being of children, mr. tomlinson." she says, before she pushes past him and walks out into the studio, leaving louis stunned and pissed off in her office.


"pops, c'mon." louis whines, as he taps his foot by the door. "i've gotta get you bathed and in bed so i can go to bed."

poppy's taking her sweet old time packing up her stuff, occasionally looking up and grinning mischievously at him.

"poppy, seriously."

poppy stands up, and sighs. "i have to pee, daddy."


poppy giggles, before she runs off towards the bathrooms outside the studio.

louis groans, before he steps forward and starts packing up her duffle, shoving in her tutu and water bottle, and pulling out her little grey north face jacket, and then grabbing her black vans, and standing up.

he puts the bag over his shoulder, and walks out of the nearly empty studio, smacking right into a tall figure.

"oh my god." he groans, stepping backwards slightly from the impact.

"sorry, sorry!" a deep voice exclaims.

louis looks up, and is met with a pair of pretty green eyes. "um, no." he murmurs. "my fault."

the man shakes his head no, his curly hair flopping slightly. "no, it was mine. didn't really see you down there... was looking ahead."

louis' face turns sour. "are you for fucking real?"

curly haired green eyed deep voiced giant freak's eyebrows furrow. "excuse me?"

"i'm not even short."

"i didn't..."

"you did." louis says, not allowing him to finish his sentence.

the man looks actually terrified. "i'm sorry?"

louis rolls his eyes. "whatever."



the giant freak's cheeks tint pink.

"look, as nice as its been, i've gotta go, so." louis makes a gesture with his hands for the guy to move, and he finally comprehends it, and slides to the side.


"yeah, yeah, yeah." louis grumbles, walking past him and heading towards the bathrooms, and stands outside waiting for poppy.

when she finally comes out, she runs into his legs, and looks up, a grin on her face. "hi, daddy."

louis sighs, and hands her the coat. "put on your coat."

she does, and then he squats down and helps her slip on her shoes, tying them for her. he takes her hand and they head out.

once she's in the car and buckled up, he gets in himself and starts it up. "poppy."


"do you know who the man with the curly brown hair and green eyes is?" he looks in the mirror and sees her bob her head up and down.


"who is he, pops?"

"hannah's daddy. he doesn't usually pick her up though."

"i didn't think so." louis murmurs. "how come i've never seen him?"

"usually her auntie picks her up. and the days he picked her up are the days aunt lot picked me up." poppy makes a face. "why, daddy?"

"just curious, babe."

"oh." she whispers. "then you better be careful, daddy."

louis narrows his eyes as he turns into their flat building parking lot. "why?"

"'cause curious killed the cat." she hums.


hi so yeah mariah and i are v excited for this. please tell us what you think??

ps: i know it should be curiosity but she's 4 sooooo. (sry john) -h.x

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