His revenge...

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Presley POV~~

I had been staying at Brady's the past couple of nights. It was the only place I felt safe and so far I was right. Alex was no where to be seen.

I was chilling on the bed on my phone when I hear the door knock. Brady wasn't it he was doing some extra studying so I went to go answer

When I opened the door my heart sank and I froze. Alex was stood there looking as rough as ever.

A- let me in now

P- why should I?

A- because if you don't you know what will happen.

P- Presley gulped but still said no

Alex all of a sudden pushed his hand up to her neck and pushed through the door pushing her on the bed. He tried to start undressing her but she kicked him to stop. Fine then. He punched her across the face a few times and then through her against the wall and walked out.

I lay there hopeless. No one was going to find me. I was going to die. I couldn't feel parts of my body. I was shivering and crying in pain.

Brady's POV~~

I left Pressley alone today at my place as I had to go do some extra study work. I just hoped she would be okay. I'm sure she will.

It was about an hour later when I decided to message her to check up. But she didn't reply. I waited 10 mins. Still no answer. Waited 20 and still no answer. I could sense something was wrong. I chucked everything in my bag pack and ran as fast as I could to my place. When I got there the door wasn't locked. I walked in to find blood on the floor and bed and Presley lying on the floor.  I ran to her and tried to shake her but response.  No no no. Come on press. I took out my phone from my back pocket and dialled the ambulance. Once I had finished the call with them they said to stay with her for 10 mins they will be as quick as they can.

Don't leave me Presley. Please. I need you
Come on.
Brady starts to cry and holds her hands tight.

The ambulance turns up and he carried her out of the apartment and they put her on a stretcher bed and she is put in the back of the ambulance. I join her.

A few hours later I was sat next to a hospital bed which held probably the person I needed the most right now. I prayed and prayed and didn't let go of her hands. I keep them warm and content.

I tired to stay awake but I decided a nap would be helpful.

Presley POV~~

My eyes opened from the darkness. I slightly remembered what happened. I felt better but still in a lot of pain. I was numb and cold but most of all mentally broken. Brady was sat next to me asleep holding my hands. I rubbed his hands which made him awake.

B- huh. Press? Press your awake!?

P- I'm right here. They both start to cry

B- you don't understand how happy I am. I thought.I thought I had lost you.

Presley signals Brady to come up on to the bed.

P- how did I get here?

B- I found you and called an ambulance. I then carried you out to the ambulance and they bring you here.

P- thank you Brady.  You saved me

Brady smiles but his eyes get drawn against her lips.

Hers do the same

She closes the sleigh gap between them. Sparks fly in both of there body's. it was just like the old days. Still the same. But it all meant more.

Brady pulled away and smiled at her but dropped his face.

P- what's wrong. I'm sorry. I shouldn't ha-

Ha- no no no! It's not that

P- what is it?

B- I promised to protect to press. And look, I've already failed.

She lifts his chin up. It's not your fault Brady.

B- if you don't mind me asking. What happened?

P- he found me. I refused to let him in but he pushed me onto the bed and tried to take my clothes off and all but then instead punched me a few times and threw me. I'm fine.

B- seriously? Your fine? Your no way near fine press. Why would someone even think about doing this to you. It's not fair.

P- I'm fine as long as your here with me.

B- I will protect you. From now on...

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