It cant be?...

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Pressley POV~~

It was a normal day and college for me today. I had tap, ballet, jazz and hip hop. Hip hop was still my fave dance style!

P- hurry up Sarah, we are gonna be late!

S- I'm coming press!

Me and Sarah are in most of the same lessons together so we headed to tap. Once we got there we put on our tap shoes and then started out class. I enjoyed tap but it wasn't my favorite. After tap we headed to ballet. I loved ballet, because I had improved a lot in it.

Me and Sarah then had an hour break before jazz so we headed to our room that me, Sarah, and our friends go to in our breaks and lunch.

In our group we have me and Sarah and then a girl called Emma and another called Sophie. We were all really close. Oh and we also have the boys. Alex, who my boyfriend is, accept he was not here today as was I'll. and then we have James who is a really good friend of mine.

Me and Sarah walk into the room and no one is here yet so we take a seat in the sofa we always sit on. I start scrolling through Instagram until...

Bradys POV~~

James finishes showing me around and now we head to his hang out spot.

J- here we go!

We walk in

Brady's eyes straight away move to Pressley and Sarah who are sat on the sofa. What. No it can't be!

B- it can't be!

James looks confused

Pressley jumps out of her seat and runs over to Brady and hugs him tightly. He hugs back and lifts her up. They are both crying.

He then hugs Sarah.

J- I'm so confused. What's going on?!

P- this is Brady James. Remember the boy I told you about!

J- omg no. How did I not notice!

S- it's so good to see you Brady!!

Brady wipes the tears away from his eyes

B- it certainly is...

Pressley hugs him again and this Time, doesn't let go.

P- you don't understand how much I have missed you.

B- I've missed you to press

S- awhhh

Then Sophie and Emma walk in

E- woah what's going on here?

S- who's this?!

P- this is Brady guys. The one I have told you about!

E- omg hey Brady. Nice to meet you. My names Emma and this is Sophie.

S- nice to meet you!

B- it's nice to meet you too!

Brady and press are still hugging at this point until her phone dings

She pulls it out of her pocket.


Alex- hurry up and get home now.

P- what why?

A- I'm angry. Just get home. Now

Presley grabs her bag and runs out the room. Sorry guys I need to go!

J- what's the rush with her?

S- hmmm I have an idea

B- is she okay?

S- well as her best friend i always know when something is wrong. Basically I don't know if you know Brady but press has a boyfriend called Alex. He seems like a nice guy but he isn't nice to her. I have told her to brake up with him. She seems so sad and unhappy with him. She sometimes comes back from his with bruises all over her. I'm just worried for her.

E- and she won't listen to us when we tell her to leave him.

S- exactly!

B- what?! That's awful. I don't want her getting hurt...

J- neither do we but we can't do anything as she says she loves him too much.

S- but I know she doesn't love him. I have only seen her in love once. Never seen my girl happier in her life...

E- which was when?

S- uhhh... it was when she was with you Brady...

S- wait you and press were together!?

B- we used to be. As we were both of dance moms we got really close and dated for a couple of years until we both moved away... it broke me.

J- no way. She always just said you guys were friends! Sarah you didn't tell us this!

S- sorry hahaha. Anyway what I was trying to say is maybe you being here Brady will change things. I just want to see my best friend happy again... as happy as she was when with you.

Brady started to tear up. To know press was in an abusive relationship hurt him a lot. She didn't deserve it.

Sarah hugs Brady.
I promise she will be okay though. You will get used to it I guess. It broke me when I found out what he was like at first.

B- yeah I guess.

I had to do something...

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