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You know what? You think your boyfriend needs to spend a day or two in a mental institution.

4:00 p.m. 103°F outside. He says to himself, "Hmm. You know what? It's a perfect day for a run at the park! And hey, why not loop ____ into this?"

Yeah. You're in this. You're running.

You're DYING.

Jesus Christ you're gonna puke, or explode, or both. Your lungs are being constricted tightly, your body is burning, and you're just soaked in sweat. Disgusting, I know. Physical activity isn't exactly a .... well, walk in the park. You know what I mean.

"Hey, ____! Keep up! We only have a lap left!"

This got your attention, "R-Really?"

"Yeah. Then one more after than. Then one more after that!"

Oh, he's pushing your buttons. He wanna play that game? Well... how and the hell can you play him back? Jeez, you could just sit down, but will your pride let you? Damnit, maybe. Just maybe. A big maybe. This shit HURTS.

"Sai-" you huff, "When get up there I'm gonna-"

"Save your breath. You sound like you're gonna pass out."

"Yeah? Maybe I should, I dunno, take a break!"

He stops in his tracks and looks at his wrist watch, "Oh. Yeah that's a good idea, too."

You let yourself collapse into a pile of grass and start sucking up all the oxygen you can. You feel like people are staring at you, and you wouldn't be surprised if it was because you look like actual trash.

A shadow loops on the opposite side of you. You turn your head to see it's Saitama, your bastard boyfriend. He looks slightly amused.

"You look tired," he remarks with a grin.

"I really hate you right now," you reply.

"Ah, you don't mean that," he flops on the grass spot beside you, "you went with me cause you love me."

"I regret my existence."

"Mmm. How much would you hate me if I took you out for ice cream?"

"I just want a shower right now."

"Eh? Really? You never turn ice cream down!"

"I'm TIRED."

Saitama sits up and looks down at you, "Yeah, I see that now. Don't worry. I'll get you some anyway, and a shower too. You stink."

"Me?! You smell like a bag of dirty runner's socks!"

"Harsh words, ____. Are ya coming?"

"I ain't moving."

He rolls his eyes playfully and picks you up.

"Well, if you go on more runs with me, you'll be healthier and I'll carry you more often."

You groan weakly into the crook of his neck.

"When'd'ja get so wimpy?"

"I have enough strength to bite you right now."

"Eh. I'm used to that."



As promised, you did get ice cream and a shower. Saitama made you do some stretches, saying it would hurt your body if you didn't. He's the expert, you guess.

Speaking of the devil, he flops beside you and throws an arm around you.

"Hey, fussy pants."


"Tax bite."

You give him your ice cream so he'd bug off, but stays.

"You ran almost eight miles, by the way," he says before taking a bite.

"What?! No way. Impossible."

"No, it's possible. I tracked it. I'm really proud of you."

He was smiling at you. Your face floods with heat. You turn away and mumble a small 'thanks'. He snorts and kisses your cheek before giving you your ice cream back.

"I think you need more ice cream. You seem extra pouty today," he jokes.

(OPM)Saitama X Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now