🍁🍂Blind Date🍂🍁(2019)

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(This is a lengthy boi, also Saitama's POV)

I've never seriously considered throwing Genos out of a window till today.

'Sensei, you need more friends.'

'Sensei, don't you ever get lonely?'

'Sensei, are you ever going to find a partner?'

No, no and no. I'm perfectly fine with being alone, by myself, with nobody else. This little cyborg punk, however, thought otherwise.

Turns out, he's been talking to people behind my back trying to find me a partner and just so happen to find a person that is '100% compatible with me' .

And now, I've been arranged to go on a date with said stranger.

"Sensei. You have to be there by 7:00pm. You only have 23 minutes."

"Genos. I never said I was going. I don't want to, and I'm not going to."

I cross my arms and flop down on the floor, staring at a weird program on the t.v.

"So you're going to stand them up? That's rude, Sensei."


"They really want to meet you."


I feel a cold, metal hand grab the back of my shirt and pull me to my feet. Dark eyes lock with mine.

"Saitama-Sensei, that's enough. This will be good for you. Stop laying around and get ready."

I'm surprised by Genos' sudden boldness, but he's talking to me like he can physically make me. Impossible, but he's serious.

"You know what," I sigh, "Fine. FINE. I'll go. Don't expect ANYTHING to come out of it."

Genos lets me go. He watches as I go to the closet and grab my hero suit.

"Is it hard to wear something decent, Sensei?"

"Don't push it, Genos."


The sun was starting to set as I entered the park. I scan the area, looking for the person in the picture Genos showed me. I spot a very similar looking figure on a bench faced towards the ocean. I make my way over to them and tap their shoulder.

"Uh, excuse me."

They look up and-Oh my God.

Okay so they're better looking in real life.

That means nothing. NOTHING.

"Are you ____ ?"


"Oh. Wh- uh. I'm sor-"

"I'm kidding dude it's me."


So they got jokes.

I take a seat beside them and fold my hands together. I can't remember the last time I went on a date. High school, maybe? What am I supposed to do again?

"Saitama, right?"


"You wearing a whole super suit on a date."


Damn it this is gonna be awkward already I can tell.

"That's just a meme waiting to happen."

As I think about it, it does seem a little odd. Meme worthy? Maybe.

"And what are you wearing?" I ask, looking at their outfit "Thrift store clothes?"

(OPM)Saitama X Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now