Update #3

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Hola amigos! It's Chrissie-chan!

I gots another update for you!!!!

First off, 500 reads. Holy. Shit. I'm dying. Y'all know what that means; a new book will be coming out on Christmas. I have three main ideas in mind for that book:

~Attack on Facebook (inspired by Ambamba 's book "If Fairy Tail had Facebook" - Basically, it's a modern AU where the characters of AOT/SNK have Facebook accounts)

~Attack on Instagram (Same as Attack on Facebook, except I will find a picture to use as the media and the chapter consists of their comments)

~Shingeki no Songs (I take popular songs and parody them with concepts from AOT/SNK. I might sing them and attach them to the media or something)

Those are my ideas, but if any of you have one, feel free to let me know.

Another thing I want to tell you is that in January, I won't be able to upload many one shots, so I'm going to take a break most likely. I will try to post some fanfics, but we'll see.

Last thing: I'm updating this on November 3rd; do you know what that means? ARMIN'S BIRTHDAY!!!! Yes, that child was born on this day. I thought it only made sense to update on his birthday.

Anywho, love y'all!

~Chrissie-chan <3

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