Twin Levi x Reader ~ Who? (AU)

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BTW, by twin Levi, i mean Levi has a twin. I decided to name his twin Adam, because Levi reminds me of Levine, and Levine reminds me of Adam Levine. And I also know that his parents are dead or something. But you probably don't care about all that. To the story!

(And some of this was written on my phone, so bear with me)


Today is the day. The day you finally got to meet your boyfriend Levi's family. You had been going out for 5 months now.

After weeks of begging, he said yes. You couldn't wait. His only condition was to meet your family as well. That would happen tomorrow, but tonight, you were to meet his.

It was a Saturday, so both you and Levi didn't have to work. You spent the day at the local amusement park, eating corn dogs and funnel cakes and riding roller coasters.

Nighttime came, so it was time to go to his old house.

You drive up. It was a small two story building with a stone path and a wooden fence. It was so cute!

Holding hands, you and Levi walked down the path to the front door.

You were welcomed by a woman, who you assumed was his mother. "Oh, you must be ____! We've heard so much about you!"

You were surprised. You knew Levi could be talkative, but you didn't think he talked about you.

You looked at him and he rolled his eyes.

You got to the door and his mother hugged him. "Mom, you're embarrassing me," he said quietly through his teeth. It was weird seeing this. Anyone smart would be too scared to hug him.

You got inside and met his father. Not much happened there, they hugged and the family began catching up with each other.

Another man walked into the room. "Levi," the man said like he hated Levi with every fiber of his being. You looked behind you to look at the man. To your surprise, the man looked exactly like Levi.

"Adam," Levi said. "Can you please put aside this petty arguing for one night?"

The man, Adam, just scoffed and said, "Tch."

It sounded just like Levi.

"Levi," Adam said. "Who's the girl?"

"This is ____."

You stood up to shake his hand, but he just looked at your hand, looked back up, and ignored it.

"Adam," his father said gruffly. "Stop being such a dick and try to get along with your brother."

"Why should I?!" Adam yelled. "He gets everything! Good grades, a good job, your approval, and an amazing girlfriend. What about me? I've got no more than shit."

He stormed out of the living room loudly. "Don't worry, ____," their mother said. "Adam does this all the time."

You sighed in despair. I wonder how long this has gone on, you thought.

A few minutes later, dinner was ready.

You sat on the right of Levi, across from his mother, and across from Levi, his father.

His mother made (favorite food) and (another favorite food) and you drank (favorite drink).

"Wow, Mrs. Ackerman," you said. "How'd you know thi was my favorite?"

"First of all," she said humbly. "Call me Angie. Second of all, Levi told me."

Shocked, you looked at Levi who was already blushing. "Aw," you said. "How sweet!" You hugged Levi and his eyes widened. He said childishly, "Get off, ____. You're making me blush."

You giggled with his parents. "Um, please excuse me," you said. "I have to go to the bathroom."

"I'll show you where it is," Levi said.

You walked down a hallway with Levi. There were pictures on the wall of Levi and Adam as kids. "Aw, Levi," you said. "What now, ____?" "I just wanted to tell you how adorable you were," you said. He scoffed. "I was cute? So now I look like crap?"

You laughed. "I didn't say that."

"But you implied it," Levi said jokingly.

Most people didn't know it, but Levi could be sweet when he wanted to be.

He led you to the bathroom, which was the first door on the right.

You went in, did what you do in the bathroom, washed your hands, and opened the door to leave.

You were taken by surprise when Levi grabbed your waist with one hand and your head with the other to pull you into a kiss.

He bit your bottom lip and you let his tongue have entrance to your mouth.

When you pulled away for air, you asked him, "What's going on, Levi? This isn't like you. Not that I'm complaining."

He just blushed and said, "I have to use the bathroom too. I'll meet you at the dining table."


You walked back to the table and took your spot next to Levi. Wait, Levi?

If Levi, was at the table, who did you kiss?!

Moments later, Adam walked in, blushing. Then it hit you. You kissed Adam.

He sat at the edge of the table between you and Mrs. Ack- Angie. The tension and awkwardness between you two was immense.

After dinner, you and Levi were about to leave. "Please come again soon," Angie said. "We will," you said.

Everyone exchanged goodbyes and the two of you were out the door.

You were at the door when you heard someone yell out your name.

You turned to see Adam.

"What do you want, brat?" Levi said harshly. "I want to explain," Adam said.

He told his story. "Levi, I kissed ____. You were shocked that he admitted that, and you were afraid of what Levi would say next.

Levi said, "I thought so."

Your eyes widened. "How'd you know?" you asked.

He sighed. "There're two reasons. One of which is the tension between you two. I saw how nervous you were around each other. The second reason, well, Adam does this all the time. I rarely bring girls home to meet my parents, but when I do, Adam's there to screw all that up. He's kissed three girls including you, and the other, well, they kinda slept together."

You're eyes widened further. "I-I'm sorry, Levi."

"Stop, ____. You didn't know it was him, right?"

You nodded.

"Okay, then. I forgive you."

You sighed and got in.

"And as for you," Levi yelled at Adam as he got into the car. "Go fuck yourself."

He closed the door and drove off. You could clearly see Adam smirk and walk back into the house.


Whew! Finished. I know it's kind of a cliché plot, but oh well. Hope you liked it. I'm also planning to do a part two for dinner at the reader's house.


Oh! I almost forgot to thank you guys for 60 reads! I know it's not much, but it means a lot to me!

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