Chapter Six: A Blissful Morning

Start from the beginning

"Darling, what did you make?" I asked after taking one last deep breath and stepping back.

"Pancakes, and swine strips. I hope you like it. I'm not exactly the best cook." He laughed and brought the food over to the table.

It was a cute, rather small wooden table when compared to the ones the God's use. After he set up our plates, he pulled out a chair for me. I sat down and smiled at him as he took the seat across from me. Once we filled our plates I looked down at my food. It was an unusual feeling, hunger.

In the Underworld, I didn't have to eat or need to rest. Maybe this was one of the reasons the Gods avoided coming to Earth. It makes us vulnerable and feel the same things as humans. In the Underworld, I was forbidden to eat anything by my Father, so I wouldn't be trapped there, like him. So, I wasn't entirely sure what eating would be like, or quite how too.

"Just watch me. You'll pick it up quick, my Sweet."

I met his eyes and nodded with a smile. Then he picked up his silverware and moved slowly so I could mimic his movements. I copied him and put a piece of pancake into my mouth. I was taken aback by the sensations. It tasted sweet and for lack of a better word, fluffy. My stomach made quiet rumbling noises. So, I kept eating and I soon finished before Angel.

"That was the best thing I've ever eaten."

Angel laughed at my rather tasteless joke, no pun intended.

"I can assure you that wasn't the best meal I've ever made."

Angel took our plates and walked over to the sink to wash them. I got up and moved in front of him, so I could take over. Angel smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You know I can wash the dishes, Gorenora."

"I know. I just want to help. You made breakfast, so let me wash the dishes."

Angel shook his head with a chuckle and buried his face into my neck. I took my time washing the dishes and just enjoying the normality of the situation. We were living and loving like humans. Gods don't wash dishes or make breakfast, but I was loving this. Everything about my new life I loved. Even if it was colder than I'd imagined.

"You are going to love the summer season."

"The summer season?"

"Yup. It's the hottest time of the year. Nowhere near as warm as the Underworld but it's a lot hotter than it is now."

"That sounds wonderful. Do you get snow here too? I remember the souls telling me stories of the soft, wet snow."

"Yes. Lots of snow, my Love."

I smiled up at him as I put our now washed plates on a towel to dry. He smiled back and pulled me into a kiss. Just as I had tangled my hands in his hair I jumped when a sudden loud knock startled me.

"No worries, my Love. Just ignore whoever it is."

Angel pulled me back into our kiss and I relished in the feeling of his lips on mine. My body felt like little sparks of lightning were hitting my skin and it felt divine.

"Open the door, would yeah?" Came from the door.

My blood froze, once again my life was going to be stirred. Thrown back into the crazy life of a Goddess.

"Go away, Josh!" Angel roared and started towards the door.

I could feel the air had turned thick with rage. Angel hadn't forgotten about Josh threatening me and now that we were bonded, his anger would be worse towards the poor boy.

I had to stop Angel from killing Josh or else there would be a risk of another war amongst the gods. Poseidon was a rule breaker. He would most likely come to earth to avenge his blood and kill me. Then my Father would unleash Hell, starting a war in his anger. Not even my Mother could tame that beast, once that fury was unleashed there would be no stopping him.

"Angel, please no!"

But it was too late. He opened the door and Josh rushed in, knife in hand. As Angel looked at me concerned Josh sliced the knife right across his abdomen, just breaking the skin. Angel jumped back and quickly went for his blade above the fireplace. Josh rushed him, and I threw my body into Josh, knocking us both into the wall on the other side of the living room.

"Hey there, beautiful. We meet again!" Josh laughed and stabbed the knife into my thigh.

"Damn you, Josh!" I growled and clawed his throat.

I tried so desperately to ignore the shooting pain coming from the wound in my thigh. As I was clawing at Josh, Angel quickly moved up behind him and grabbed him by his long, blond locks.

"Josh, I will kill you for what you've done!"

Angel pulled Josh to his feet and threw him across the room. He was completely consumed with rage and wouldn't stop until Josh lay dead at his feet. There was no stopping even a Demigod when emotions took over.

"Angel, please don't! If we kill him there will be another war!" I pleaded and limped over to hold his arm as he stood over Josh.

"He won't stop until you're dead. I won't let him hurt you again."

"That's right, Gorenora. I die, or you die, and I think that should be you. You are a monster, Goddess of Demons!" Josh laughed and stood up.

"No one needs to die, Josh! Stop this madness!"

I moved a step away from Angel, letting go of his arm.

"That's where you're wrong. By the way, mail order. One gift for the monster!"

Josh tossed a black case at Angel, distracting him and with one swift movement, he plunged his knife into my chest. My head started to spin as I stood there, watching the blood pool out of my chest and soak Angel's shirt.

"No!" Angel's voice bellowed, filling the room.

Josh stood back and smiled at me, admiring his work. I looked down at the knife once again and set my hand on the hilt. He had done it. It was deep in my chest and I could feel blood beginning to fill my mouth and lungs. Hearing a thud, I looked up again to find Josh was headless.

Angel stood behind him, his sword in hand and coated in blood. He kicked his lifeless body aside and dropped his sword. I looked at the floor and watched as Josh's head finally rolled to a stop by the front door. That ridiculous smile still plastered on his face and those daunting eyes, empty of life, stared into mine.

Angel lifted my chin and locked eyes with me. He was worried, and I finally collapsed into his arms. He eased me down onto the floor and pulled out the knife, tossing it away. My body was numb and felt cold, too cold to light my flames. Angel put pressure on my wound and pulled something out of his pocket. It was some sort of vial just the size of my fingernail and it looked to be filled with fire.

"Hades!" Angel yelled and tossed the vial at the wall closest to us.

It shattered as it hit the wall and a large flame filled the corner. Rovick and Toris came running through from the flames, much to my surprise Toris looked like himself again. It wasn't until Rovick sat down next to Angel and I, did I finally begin to feel the darkness set in. As my eyes began to close, I could vaguely make out Rovick saying something along the lines of.

"Stay with me, Princess."

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