~| Chapter 3 |~

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"Of course I can see him." She shrugged, almost rolling her eyes. She smiled at Beetlejuice as she waved. "Why do you ask?"

BJ gasped again as he went over to Lydia and put an arm around her.

You quickly grabbed his arm and pulled it off of her, which resulted in you completely ripping his arm off. A small gasp escaped you as you held the detached arm in your hand.

"Jeez, babe. You sure do have a strong grip." He grinned as he moved back over to you. "Why don't we put that to the test?"

Your face flushed red as you threw the arm at him, watching as it hit him in the face. He muttered a small "Ow" as you and Lydia giggled.

"So we have a dead pervert, and two other ghosts in the attic." You told her, a gasp coming from her in response. "They're the Maitlands."

"So there were ghosts in the attic! I thought so." She smiled slightly. "Delia and dad aren't here right now, so can we go see them?"

You shrugged as you glanced to BJ, watching as he put his arm back on. You let out a small giggle before turning back to Lydia and began to lead her to the attic.

"C'mon then."

"Babes, what about me?" Beej asked, giving you puppy eyes. Well, dead puppy eyes. "What'll I do?"

"Just stay here and don't do anything absurd." You sighed, then turned to the stairs and began to head up as Lydia followed.


After introducing Lydia to Adam and Barbara, the four of you discussed the plan to haunt the house and scare Delia and Charles out. By the time you and the three were finished, you all heard the front door open.

"That's Delia." Lydia said as she looked at Adam and Barbara. "Which means we have twenty minutes until the guests arrive."

"Well, you two should get ready, then!" Barbara smiled, gesturing you to the door. "Go get ready and we'll be down when they arrive."

"Alright, Barb." You smiled, then looked to Lydia as she gave a confirming nod. You and Lydia headed down the stairs back to her bland room. You smiled as you laid on the bed, then jumped slightly when you heard a grunt.

"Hey, babes." You heard BJ's raspy voice. "I didn't know you-"

"Shut it." You sighed, deciding not to move from on top of him. You just laid on top of him, and he didn't seem to mind it all that much.

Lydia just giggled at the two of you as she dug through her closet to find a dress.

"Hey, Lyds, can I borrow one of your dresses?" You asked, lifting your head to look at her as she was rummaging through her closet.

"Of course." She smiled, moving hangers around and pulling clothes from the top shelf. "As soon as I can find something."

"Aw, are you dressing up for me?" Beetlejuice asked as he sat up and wrapped his arms around you as he began to float off the bed. "Personally, I like my girls without dresses~."

You were about to push him away before realizing the two of you were floating. Well, it was mostly him, but same thing. You clenched into his jacket, not wanting to fall and hit the ground.

He only chuckled as he took your hands and stood upright. You followed suit, and you were quite wobbly. You felt like you had just gone roller skating for the first time and you didn't have any sense of balance.

"Babes, relax." He chuckled, holding your hands in his, which were quite warm for a dead guy. "Just let your body go with the flow, of you know what I mean~."

"I will slap you." You glared as you sighed, then tried your best to relax your body. You weren't quite as wobbly, but you were still very unsure.

"Y/n, here's your dress." Lydia called, placing the dress on the bed. You and Beetlejuice turned your attention to the dress, seeing that it was a burgundy color, and had lace around the shoulders and showed a bit of cleavage.

"If I can't see you without that on, I would gladly see you with it on~." He winked, a smile creeping onto his face.

"Shut up, Beej." You glared at him before carefully letting go of his hands and stepping onto the bed. You hopped off and grabbed the dress, moving to the restroom. "Even a peek and I will never say your name again."

He groaned as he nodded.

You headed into the restroom, being sure to close and lock the door behind you before beginning to change. You slid out of your comfortable clothes and onto the burgundy dress, which was actually quite pretty. You tied your hair up and fixed it a bit before adding a small bobby-pin to it that had pearls on it. You slid a pearl bracelet around your wrist and a pearl necklace on as well. You decided to throw on a boy of lipstick and mascara for fun.

Your unlocked the door with a small click, and then opened it. Lydia and Beetlejuice were staring at you, but with two completely different expressions. Lydia looked proud, like she knew you were capable of something like this, and you had finally accomplished it. Beetlejuice, on the other hand, his jaw was on the floor.


You scrunched your nose at the sight, but he quickly picked it up and reattached it. As he did so, you saw the slightest tint of pink in his hair. You tilted your head a little before shaking it off.

"So, what do you think?"

"You look amazing, Y/n." Lydia smiled, holding her hand out for a fist bump.

"Thanks, Lyds." You smiled as you returned the favor, then glanced to Beetlejuice. "What do you think?"

"Loving it, babes." He winked, a small green hue growing on his cheeks. "Although, I'd love it more if it were on the floor."

You rolled your eyes, sighing as you gently grasped Beetlejuice's hand and led him out of Lydia's room. You closed the door behind the two of you, then looked at him.

"Look, Beej. You have to stay upstairs for this, okay?" You gave him a stern look. "Please don't interfere with anything. Adam and Barbara are going to try and scare Lydia's family out."

"Psh. You think those dopes can do it?" He snickered as he rolled his eyes. He then began to float in the air, and he sat upright with one leg over the other. "The probability that they're actually going to scare them out is less than zero, babe. And the probability that you'll call my name is slowly raising."

You let out a low growl before sighing, then placing your head in the palm of your hand. "So you know Adam and Barbara?" You asked, lifting your head just enough to look at him.

"Worst ghosts ever. Can't even scare a fly." He shrugged, glancing to you. "Don't tell them about me. You wouldn't, right babes?"

"Hmm." You glanced at him, quirking a brow with a grin. "I would." You began to head up the stairs to the attic, with a shocked Beetlejuice.

"Babes, no!" He begged, jumping and grabbing your ankle, trying to keep you from going up. "Please, babes! They'll just send me back!"

You quirked a brow at the "send me back" part. You turned around and offered a hand to the demon, cracking a small smile.

He hesitantly took your hand and pulled himself up, then glanced at you. He looked away before releasing his grip on your hand, yet, you kept yours.

"Listen here, Beetlejuice." You glared at him, tightening your grip on his hand. "Tell me what you mean by not wanting to go back or-"

"Lydia! Y/N! The guests are here, come down please!"

You sighed as you released the demon's hand, moving down the stairs.

"We'll continue later."

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