Chapter 1

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You walked through the park. Living in NYC wasn't easy, but hey, you had tons of friends so it made your life a little easier. You loved coming to this park every Saturday night, just to sit on the swigs and look at the stars, or read a book in the cool night air. You sit on a swing and begin to rock back and forth. You loved the night, it was so calming and didn't have a sun to boil your face.

You watched a bird land on a distant fence, you smile.

Then a figure lands in front of you.

You scream.

"Woah, woah!"

You grumble, recognizing the voice. "Not funny, Donnie."

Donnie shrugs and pulls down his hood, revealing his mask and funny goggles resting on his crown.

"Hey, you drew a di*k on my face while I was asleep! I'd say this was fair game."

He had a point, so you just sighed and looked back at the sky while swaying slowly.

Donnie snaps his fingers in your face, "Helloooo~? You okay?" You shush him and point up at the sky.

Donnie turns, and says nothing. He just stares.

Several clouds had moved apart, revealing a sky full of stars. It was one of the most beautiful night skies you'd seen in a while.

As you look up, you can't help but find yourself staring at Donnie. He was so.. Different, and that's why you had been crushing on him so hard lately. But, you knew he would never feel the same. He never showed any emotions other than being a serious nerd who seemed to have no empathy. You sigh and look at the floor, you kicked your feet back and forth like a child would.

You and Donnie had started walking home soon after stargazing. He was always the quiet one of the bunch, never really one to converse unless he was close to you. You felt a little hurt by this fact, you had known him for almost a year and he was still reserved towards you. I mean sure, he talked about techo things and projects he was working on. But, besides those things, he tended to avert the subject. One thing you learned not to bring up were secrets or emotions, because he'd just sort of shut down.

Donnie had one of his hands in his hoodie pocket while the other dangled on his side facing you. You wanted to take it so much, take him as your own. That couldn't happen though. You knew if you just grabbed his hand he'd tell you to let go and get weirded out.

Soon the two of you turned a corner into an alley. Donnie lifted the sewer lid and gestured down, "Ladies first." You laugh and climbed down the ladder. As soon as you reached the bottom Donnie shut the lid and jumped down with ease, leaving the two of you in complete darkness.

Then you heard a click, and two lights appeared, one red and one blue, from Donnies goggles. "C'mon I have night vision on, so I'll lead." You agreed and wave your arms around blindly, "Oh right.." Donnie gently takes your hand and pulls you beside him. You felt his warmth against your arm, and all you wanted right now was to hug him.

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