Chapter 7

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Leo laughs victoriously as the game ends.

"God, that game will never get old!"

You smile at him, "Yeah, I guess you're right. So, what now?"

Leo looks to the counter at the two unopened pizza boxes, "We could destroy those pizzas."

You sigh to yourself and agree, feeling your stomach ache a little. Leo hops up and exclaims that he would get you both some slices. So, you remain seated and secretly watch him hop around your kitchen, preparing your meals.

He was so charismatic, it was almost funny. With how happy and upbeat he acted, you sometimes wondered just how much he was hurting deep down.

He hummed a popular song that played a bit too much on the radio as he whirled around with two plates in hand. Leo purses his lips and straightens his back, holding one plate in each of his hands; like a butler would. You laugh.

"Here you are, m'lady."

His arm extends as he graciously holds the plate to your face. You happily accept and take a big bite.

Leo lazily crashes besides you, sitting so close that your hips were touching.

You feel a nervous sweat as your stomach flutters. Were you feeling butterflies- or anxiety?

Leo seems oblivious to your shaky hands and red face as he eats his pizza. With a mouth-full he grabs the remote and asks, "Wanna watch Netflix?"

You nod and stuff your face some more, not wanting to draw too much of his attention.

Leo looks so relaxed as he scrolls through Netflix. Eventually, he finds a movie you both liked. He looks at you and smirks, "Eh?" He nudges you a little; inquiring if you wanted to watch it. You smile excitedly and nod. That little gesture causes Leo to get that one look on his face, you know: the dreamy-eye look.

He starts the movie and finishes his last piece of pizza. Leo wipes his mouth with a napkin and sets his plate on the coffee table. You stare at the screen, looking like a chipmunk prepared for winter. Unbeknownst to you, Leo wasn't watching the movie, he was looking at you with pure adoration. He wondered how someone could look so adorable while stuffing their face with pizza.

When you finish your food, you put your plate on the coffee table too. Leo chuckles a little and you quirk a brow at him. He had the biggest smile as he grabbed a napkin and raised it to your face. "What are you-" He hushes you and wipes your mouth. Seconds later, he crumples up the napkin and disguards it with the plates. He gives you a coy look, "You had suce on your face."

You feel heat spread across your face in mild embarrassment, Leo notices and laughs heartily, "Don't worry, it was a great addition." You frown sarcastically and shove his shoulder, making him calm his laughter. He didn't lose his smile though.

For a moment, you both paused and stared at each other.

There was something about the smile he was giving you right now that made the heat in your face spread a little bit.

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