E l e v e n

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I sigh loudly as I placed my phone on the bench and I pulled my knees up to my chest. I started to cry quietly.

Here I thought me and him will have a chance...guess someone took him first..

I started to cry quietly as I can hear my cries echoed in the locker room.


I look down at my phone to see a notification that someone messaged me in my Messages. I wipe off my tears as I put down my legs and pick up my phone.

Hey, meet me by the Burger place!
I need to talk to you!
I'll be there in 3 mins
Please come...

I sighed quietly as I replied back.

Okay on my way

I close my app and walk towards the bathroom to wash my face. I look myself in the mirror.

He's probably going to tell me about his girlfriend or his boyfriend

I close my eyes as I splash water to my face again.

We'll see...


I stood in front of the burger place where me and Jungkook usually come here to eat after school. I pulled out my phone to text him.

I'm here, where are you?

Behind you

I turn around to see Jungkook softly smiling at me, which I smiled back softly as well.

"What's up?" I asked as he stood in front of me. "What type of question is that? The sky obviously" He said as I hit him on his chest playfully.

"You know what I mean jerk" I said as he chuckles softly and looks down to his shoes.

"I want to talk but not here, somewhere more privately" He said as he looks at me in the eyes.

"Okay, where?"

"I'll lead the way, follow me"

After he said that he grabs my hand and takes me to somewhere more privately where we can talk.

What felt like hours we suddenly stop in a wooden bridge where it has a view where we can see the water.

What felt like hours we suddenly stop in a wooden bridge where it has a view where we can see the water

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