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"Dad, not today. Please." I stab at my breakfast, chewing the pancakes slowly as my father's fork slams against the table, knocking over our water jug. The servants rush over to clean it up.

Why does he have to be such a dolt every morning?

"Irmina! You know one day you will rule the Sun kingdom. As Sun royalty, you are higher than anyone in this world. Do you realize how much responsibility that takes? How much pressure that puts you under?" He bellows, his voice hurting my ears as I sigh.

Same thing every day.

"I get it. I go to my lessons, I care for the people, and I try my best every single day to live up to your expectations, and just because I decided to skip yesterday's history reading, you're yelling at me? Again?" I ask, the food tasteless as I swallow it down.

No time to nap, no time to laugh, no time to even breathe. It's like my life doesn't matter and only the future Queen of this kingdom, does.

"History is the foundation to the future generations. You must learn it and from it's mistakes. Your mother used to love-" I hit my fists against the table, looking down at my plate as my father is silent.

"You know how I feel about talking about Mom. I'm leaving." I stand up, storming away from the table and my father as the guards block my exit. I glare at them, as they look behind me at my father.

Future Queen but they won't let me go anywhere without word from my father. It's ironic.

"Let her go." He says. The guards move back to their positions, leaving the path clear. I scoff, continuing on my way as my servant of 10 years, Sofie, scurries behind me. The large wooden hallway spans out forever as I take a sharp right, heading outside.

The one time I have any freedom, is lunch time and that's after begging my father that my servant could deliver my lunch to me.

"Princess, I really think you shouldn't skip it today. The King seemed super mad." She mumbles after me as I hop up the gray stone stairs.

She's so useful and yet scared of literally everything. I don't know how she survives around me.

"You know I can't do that. There's one lesson every three days and that's if he's in a good mood. I have to check." We stop, reaching the small opening between the stairs and the rest of the hallway.

My gateway out of here.

"But you know if the King finds out, I'm dead and you'll probably be put in your room the rest of your life. This is stupid." She says, as I grab the huge, heavy, black brick we put there to block it off. Just big enough for me to slip out.

"We've done this for 2 years already, and no one's ever found out. Do you have the clothes?" I ask. Sofie trembles as she reaches down her plain light brown skirt. She shakes her head as she pulls out my dark blue cloak, pair of trousers, and a string to tie back my kinky hair.

"Thank the Gods you haven't chickened out yet. I'll be back in 3 hours, just like usual." I slip out of the castle as she still bites her lip in nervousness. The gate stands tall just a few feet in front of me.

I look back at the castle. Long thick logs of dark brown wood make the building as Sofie closes up the opening. Turning back around, my eyes wander, searching for guards as I press my back against the gate.

Tall green grass tickle my feet and thighs as throw off my bright yellow dress. My underwear lays long and tight against my skin as I fold the dress and take off my crown. It's silver edges shining as I place it behind the bushes. It's usual spot.

I'm going to be late.

I quickly put on the trousers and cloak. My under shirt works fine as a shirt for my lessons.

Sofie doesn't have to sneak into the men's barracks for them anymore.

A grin comes to my face as the hood covers my face.

Three days is truly too long to wait for these adventures.

I sneak against the southern gate, stopping to watch if the guards have gone on break yet. The men walk away just in time.

They really should switch faster, it makes it too easy for a stray princess to slip out of her castle. I won't be complaining though.

As they enter the castle, I hurry to the small door on the side of the larger gate. Reaching into my under shirt, I pull out the wooden key to the gate.

Stealing this and making a copy was the best decision I made when I was 15, 2 years ago. Difficult but too useful to complain about.

I turn the knob of the door and it cracks open. I slip pass it, locking the door behind me and sprinting off into the woods besides the main road.

Racing pass the bushes, trees, and creatures, wind flows onto my face, blowing the hood off as I laugh. The shield of the forest from onlooking eyes, the feeling of the air on my skin, and the warmth of the sun, all of it so precious.

I never get to be as free as I am here, in the castle. The wooden walls with stone enforcement keep me trapped like a bird in a cage.

The title 'princess' is a prison, in itself.

My feet hit the ground fast as my destination nears. Rustling behind me stops me in my tracks. I glance over my shoulder, looking around slowly.

Has he been following me this whole time? Is this a test?

"What are you looking for?" The familiar voice of my master echoes. Bringing my eyes back in front, Jax stands a foot away from me. The wrinkles on his face show as he smiles at me. I mirror his expression.

Ever since I happened to bump into him at the Fall festival 2 years ago, he's changed my life and my body.

"You." I respond, stopping at his feet. He nods.

"Good, today's lesson will be hand-to-hand combat." He gets into position as I untie my cloak, droping off into the bushes.

He's made me stronger.

"I'm ready."


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