

I shot my poisoned needle at her arm. It gazes her skin.

If she's here to train, she's doing a bad job. She should've considered the possibility of another assassin. This mission could be too easy.

Kill the princess.

She crumbles to the ground as I approach them.

"Took you long enough." Evon says as the princess nearly loses her consciousness.

"Just shut up. I don't want to talk, I have things to do. Thanks for the help, I'll see you guys later." I grab the princess by her waist, lifting her up and throwing her over my shoulder.

I hate bumping into them. Willing ending lives for money while taunting their victims is cruel.

I scoff.

What they do, isn't much different from what I do. It's the same thing.

"You really don't know how to treat a lady." Evon says. I sigh, turning away from the crew.

"That's none of your business." Taking off towards the castle, I quickly leave the group behind. The princess bounces on my shoulder as I bring my other hand around to secure her.

Her warmth seeps into my body as wind blows past us. We move like leaves in the breeze, light and free. Her breathing is shallow against my ear and I clench my grip.

She's not a person. Only the object of your freedom. Kill her and your little sister can finally leave that room. Kill her and no one will be able to assign any role they want to you.

Not savior or assassin.

The brown wood and stone edges of the castle peek through the large bark trunks of the trees. I stop, using my shoulder to push the princess forward and down into my arms. The blood on the side of her arm drips on my fingers as she lays peacefully against my chest. Bringing one arm under her knees and another around her shoulders, I hold her tight.

That should look about right.

I let out a deep breath.

Time to begin.

I continue towards the castle, walking out of the dense forest and onto the path leading to the gate. My feet almost drag after me as I take heavy steps.

"Help! Please help me! The princess- The princess is hurt!" I shout, my eyebrows and face contorting in concern and worry. The gate remains a few yards away, closed and silent.

Again then.

"Princess Irmina is hurt, please someone help! She needs help!" I shout, letting my voice crack. A small door on the side of the large mahogany gate opens, as a couple armored guards come outside. They pause as they notice us, springing into action seconds later, sprinting towards her and I.

"What happened?" A guard yells, as they both reach us. One guard catches the princess as my knees give out below me and I trip, nearly hitting the ground. The other guard helps me up, keeping his arm supporting my shoulders. I shake my head.

"I was collecting herbs for some tea when I heard the princess cry out. She was s-surrounded by assassins. I did what I could but they still managed to injure her and I." I say, limping by their side as we reach the entrance to the castle.

I should've stabbed my leg or something. I'll have to do it before we see the King.

"We'll get you treated. Come in with us and wait in a room for the nurse. The King will know of your bravery today." I nod as they escort us into the castle, the first guard hurrying ahead of us, up the steps to the side of us.

"I can wait here. I-I'm only hurt in my leg. I'll be fine." I fake. The guard presses his lips thin, sighing as he leaves me in the wide, extravagant, entrance of the palace. The stairs border both sides of the room, curving up to an open arch. Gray and brown paint the wall in patterns and zigzags. I lean on one side of it, discreetly digging into my boot, pulling out a knife and stabbing myself on the side of my thigh.

It won't impact me as bad as through actual core, but it's enough to limp and bleed. That's all I need.

I grunt, leaving the knife under my cloak, in my wound. As far as they are concerned, it's been in my thigh since they saw us. The princess's blood should explain enough for the both of us.

"Oh my Gods, you must be the man who saved the princess. Please let us take you to our nurse." A few women run up to me and say, two larger men following behind them.

"Thank you, but I can make it there on my own." I lift myself off of the wall, taking a step. A shot of pain travels through my wound to the heel of my foot.

I forgot how bad this feels. Even with this kind of injury.

"You need help sir. Just let us help you. Our tribe is very grateful to you, these men will carry you. You can rest." I bite my lip as the gravity beneath me is gone, and I stare at the ceiling. Looking over at the men on either side of me, I sigh. One of the servant women beam at me.

"We'll go now." She claps, leading us up the steps the guards from before went up and down, a high golden hallway. We stop at a huge, white door, the woman in front throws it open, revealing a decent sized bed, along with an even bigger room.

Royalty really does mean wealth.

They set me down on the edge of the black bed, my blood already pooling around the sheets. A spell of dizziness hits me.

The hallway must look horrible.

"I'll patch it up for now but the nurse will do it over again soon. I'll going to need to cut your pants." The woman kneels below me, a blush on her cheeks.

Isn't she a medical assistant? She should be used to this stuff.

"Go ahead." I sigh, as one of the guys pass her a knife. She cuts off the leg of the trousers, and begins to attempt to pull out my weapon. I clench my teeth.

Maybe, we should wait for the-

"The King is present, all welcome the King!" The door bursts open as an old man in long yellow robes, walks in. Wrinkles draw on his dark brown skin, bringing age to his face. I lower my head, as everyone else does in the room. His footsteps echo until he stops beside me. I don't move.

The lot of these Kings are the same. Evil and selfish, only caring about their money and fame.

They hurt more than they rule their people.

"Lift your head soldier." His voices rumbles through the room as I slowly bring my gaze to meet his. I nearly flinch as the smile on his face welcomes me.

"My King." I say, nodding towards him as he takes a few more steps closer.

"Thank you. If not for your actions, my daughter would've died due to her own foolishness. You are a true warrior and you will be rewarded handsomely." He says, appreciation in his voice. I shake my head.

He shouldn't be thanking me. He doesn't know why I'm here.

He doesn't know I helped them.

"I don't need a reward, I''m glad the princess is safe. I only did what anyone would." I bow deeper, ignoring the throbbing in my leg. The King watches me silently. A moment passes and the room stands in quiet.

Did I already mess up? Have I thrown away my chance?

My sister...

Suddenly, he rushes up beside me, the bed dips as he sits next to me. I look up, my eye wide as he glares at me.

"The men who approached me earlier said you fought these assassins off, is that true?" He asks, leaning closer to me, as I back up.

"Yes, you can say that." His smile reappears as my eyebrows furrow.

Did I fail?

"Would you like to be a personal guard?" He asks. Audible gasps echo around the room, as I grin.

I didn't.

"Gladly, my King." 

The Princess and the AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now