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"Good job, Princess. It seems that incident knocked some sense into you." The English teacher pats the princess on the head, as she beams, seemingly happy she was praised.

She wouldn't last a second out of these castle walls. She acts like a spoiled brat, treating the outside world as if it was a prize to be won. Or perhaps a toy to be played with.

I clench my fist.

I've shed blood, been forced to kill, and lost my soul in the outside world she so craves. All because a King told me to.

All these royals are cruel and evil. This girl makes no difference.

My sister deserves to have the seat she sits in. Ixo has loved books since she was a child. I have to give her that. This is the only way I can do my duty as her older brother.

John and the Princess go on and go on until the hour is up and she bids him good-bye.

"You have history next, Princess." I state, following close behind her.

"Yes, I know. Have you taken a seat all morning?" The princess asks, and I can't help but to break my poker face. I furrow my brows.

Is she... worried?

I shake my head. She sighs, nodding.

"Thought so, c'mon. We have 20 mins before my next class. Sit down and rest. I may be annoying but I'm not going to force you to follow me around without rest." She grabs my hand and begins walking before I can even process everything. I look at the back of her head and her hand on mine as we walk down the long tall hallways.

What a... strange girl.

It's too bad I have to kill her.

I take my hand from hers, and she halts, turning around to my glare.

"How do I know you're not trying to get me to sit down so you can run away?" I ask, she looks away as a suspicious smile spreads across her face.

Maybe it's not too bad after all.

"W-why would I do that? Ugh, whatever that's the last time I try to be nice." She huffs, walking past me and down towards her history class. I scoff, following behind her.

What a dummy. What an entitled dummy.

Almost being killed wasn't enough?

Maybe I should do her a favor and end her life in her sleep tonight, so she doesn't get killed the next time she leaves this palace.

...befriend her.

How can I get along with someone so different from me? She is a part of what's wrong with this world.

Also, try to dig up as much information as possible. You're in no hurry.

And, I had to collect information for him as well. What a greedy King.

I'll make it happen though.

Enough with the anger towards her, I have a mission to complete. She is just like all the others.

Collect information. Kill the target. Leave no traces of foul play.

Thus is the code of the assassin.


His gaze goes from hot to cold so fast, I can't seem to make this guy mad. He's in his head way too much to notice the little things I'm doing to get him out of my life.

First off, I bumped into him in the hallway earlier, knocking him to the side a bit or at least I hope I did, but he simply sighed and acted as if I was someone he couldn't even be bothered by.

What an annoying guy.

I spilled my drink on him during lunch. He blinked and took a small napkin to wipe the small droplets on his hands.

Again, ignoring my efforts.

Usually, a knight's pride wouldn't allow them to endure such torture, not for a whole day. But he acts like this is nothing.

How insulting.

I even went out of my way to insult his outfit.

Well, not everyone can afford gowns embedded with jewels and gems.

And that just made me feel bad.

What can I do?

I huff, grabbing my pillow and screaming into it.

My responsibilities for the day are over and this is when I'd usually sneak away with Sofie, but not only has she been assigned night duty for laundry, but I'm stuck with him.

I peek out of my pillow, making eye contact with the man currently ruining my life. He keeps a blank face, as usual.

Hmm, maybe I should approach this differently.

What if I decide to be his friend and just ask him to let me leave here and there? He could even come with me.

A smirk inches onto my face as I hold it back.

I have to do this naturally. I can't go from cold to hot so quickly. Wait, ok I know exactly what I'd do.

"Hey. Ezio, was it? You... wanna play a game?" I ask, slowly lifting myself up and putting the pillow off to the side.

"...what do you have in mind?" He asks. I furrow my eyebrows, looking at him sideways.

I expected a little more resistant, but maybe we both realize we have to get along.


"The game is called 'Guess what?'. You close your eyes and I put something in front of you and from clues I give you, you have to guess what the item is." I say, a smile blooming across my face.

"Sounds fun." His tone is flat as he approaches my bed, leaning against the wall. I roll my eyes.

I'm going to put my foot in his face, or worse.

"Okay, so you have to close your eyes and I'll tell you when to guess." He sighs, shutting his eyes and leaning his head on the wall.

My grin is wide as I get up, getting as close to him as possible without touching him. I ball up my fist and put it a hair's width away from his nose.

I'd actually punch him if I could. Maybe he'd leave if he felt that disrespected.

"Okay, gue-" I yelp as suddenly my hand is grabbed and I'm starting at the ceiling.

I blink.

What the-

"You really need to learn manners, huh Princess?" Ezio says, with a slight grin, hovering over me, pinning me down to the bed.


What do we think??? They both have agendas but where will that go? Let me know how you guys feel about it!

I'll be posting weekly from now on. 


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