Episode 4 RuleBreakers

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*Max and Chloe in Chloe's Car *

Dude are you ready for this insane party. Yeah not exactly happy Rachel is there but yes . Well Max are you ready for the moshpit shaka brah? Hella yes Chloe im absolutely ready . We are gonna get drunk smoke and well i'll wait till the party to tell you the last one . Get ready to rock out girl!!! One hell of a party that we are going to . Chloe watch the road ahhhhhhHH! Max you scared the shit out of me . Hella Nah Bruh well get ready to have a hell of a time . And you are not even drunk yet Chloe. Damn right ...... Of course i'm not drunk yet i'm not stupid. Chloe remember no starting shit with Rachel please i'm begging you . Well Max I guess I will not start shit with Rachel and Steph then . Yeah why can't we just be friends . Hope you brought you're swimming gear as well Chloe Hella yes !!!  Here we are Maxine Caulfield let's go party . (Rings the doorbell) 

The Party 

hello Rachel introduced herself and Steph . Well if it isn't the classic Chloe I haven't seen for years . Give it up Rach it's stupid ok flirting with me isn't getting you anywhere this time .  Chloe chill would you we don't need to fight Rachel let's go swimming  10 minutes later ............... Cowabunga !!!! Time for a cannonball Max race me Max . Oh why not Captain Chloe ! The first time i've seen an excited chloe in awhile . Well glad to see someone is interested in swimming . Chloe you litterally never ever care about anything . People change ya know . Well i'm glad that I know that now.  Sister you are insane well you know . You are the only blackwell student who could swim with sharks . Thanks for the credit Max . Lets go sit down Chloe. Sounds good Max  yea let's go dry off. Well I got to smoke Max so look away i'm not scared of a cigar Chloe. You totally are little girly Max . Well then let's get drunk oh why not Max . Think Chloe we will be here for awhile.  Fine Max i'll opt in to get drunk but not near Rachel ok let's step outside and go to the cement . Staring at the stars Chloe looked me in the eyes she is such a beauty I loved her so much I love Chloe I really do (Max leans in for the kiss both their lips touch together as they kiss each other several times over and over ) 45 minutes later let's leave you good to drive Chloe . Hella yes let's head to home and we can continue the commence the makeout session again. Cya Rachel and Steph Chloe goes home about as drunk as can be . 

Going home and to bed  

Max and Chloe then headed back home in the truck . Chloe was no longer drunk so she then continued to drive them home and then they climbed through Chloe's window to her bedroom and continued to make jokes and noises and Chloe and Max proceeded to make out and then go to bed while cuddling .  Max Saying " We are such rulebreakers Chloe ". 

They Wake up to the smell of Bacon and Eggs 

By Now Max and Chloe had already had a handshake mastered . They called it the Pricefield shake They woke up in their pajamas turning on the music and dancing like crazy Max and Chloe proceeded to dance in circles. I couldn't help but laugh at Chloe's punk rock lifestyle. Me and Chloe began to walk around town next to all sorts of monuments and take pictures me and her did this all day. Of course until we were tired then we came back home . Chloe told me about some deal we had to make in order to get money to get out of Arcadia Bay Tomorrow . Ok Max be ready for tomorrow we have to make a suitable deal with Frank and show him we mean business Max we have to wrap up all business in Arcadia Bay tomorrow . Because we gotta leave the Bay the second we get the money. Max we can never be too prepared , I'm taking a gun  That's a bad idea Chloe . No it's not also i'm taking a knife . Watch my back or get out of the way Max. You better have my back Max , Frank is dangerous you better protect me Max if anything goes wrong use your powers Max . Now join me in drinking the night away. I'm so fucking tired said Chloe I knew she was tired but didn't know how tired . 

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