Chapter 1: Arrival

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Stiles, to say the least, wasn't exactly happy with his life after living for over 1000 years. He escaped from his siblings about 300 years ago. If he were being honest, he would be missing them right now. Well, he only missed a few of his family members. Some of them could go rot. If it were possible.

Niklaus and him always had this special bond. When they were growing up, his father Mikeal had found out about his mothers affair and that Niklaus wasn't actually his son. He was frowned upon by him and was constantly beat or belittled him and Stiles always stood up for him.

Stiles was the youngest of the family and felt it necessary to protect his older brother any way he could and that just resulted in his father starting to hate him too. There would be times were Niklaus would be getting a beating just by leaving one apple unwashed and Stiles would step in resulting in the both of them being beat.

His mother was a different story. She adored him. She was always upset with Mikeal because of the way he treated Stiles. For some reason, they still stayed together. It wasn't until that faithful day that his fathers demise toward all of them was revealed at his fullest extent.

Freya was the oldest out of all of the siblings. Their mother and father absolutely adored her. Then, Esther, their mother, let Freya be taken by her sister who was a very experienced witch. Esther made Mikeal believe that she was killed by the plague. It devastated him and made him more angry. Esther was too devastated and couldn't bare the loss of another child so she used a spell that turned them all into vampires. They couldn't go out in the day light and they always craved human blood. Niklaus and Stiles were different.

When Nikalus made his first kill, he transformed into a hybrid. A vampire and a werewolf all in one. Stiles was also a hybrid but not a vampire werewolf hybrid. He had possessed the ability in his blood to have witch powers along with his vampire abilities. This made both of the brothers dangerous to a lot of people.

Mikeal had been hunting them down for centuries now and they believed his mother was dead. They constantly ran. They made a pack with one another. Always and Forever. To stick together no matter what. That was before Nikalus became ruthless. He had daggers that would put each of them into a deep slumber and coffins made just for them to keep them safe until he was ready to have them around again. This never happened to Stiles because of their close bond. However, there was always something else.

In the year of 1500, Stiles found a person that he loved dearly. She went by the name of Leia. She had beautiful strawberry blonde hair that reached down toward her waist. Her smile was pearly white and her eyes twinkled like an emerald in the sun. They both met and instantly knew there was a connection. About two years later and it came to be their wedding day. To say that he was excited was an understatement. He knew that it was finally going to make him happy. He was wrong.

During the ceremony, Nik had appeared and caused a scene. All of his other siblings were there and Rebekah had told him that he was going to be late which was fine with the both of them. Nik walked in with blood down his chin and his eyes red with black veins around them. Stiles had questioned what happened along with Leia who knew about what they were. Without hesitation, Nik sped up to the stand and took Leia out of Stile's grip biting her neck and draining her of all the blood in her body. Stiles couldn't help but just watch. Tears flowed down his face and he watched as her body crumble to the ground. He knelled down next to her placing her head in his lap. He kept apologizing over and over again that he was sorry and he kept telling her that it was going to be okay. His voice broken. The last words that she ever spoke to him were the dreaded words of "I love you"

From that day sense, he wasn't able to look his brother in the face ever again. He would never be able to forgive him for it. That was probably the biggest reason he ran away. He hadn't been in contact with his siblings. He said goodbye to Elijah before he left and he was sure that Niklaus was going to get what was coming to him based off his siblings reactions. Rebekah sympathetic, Elijah angry, Kol shocked. Stiles left that same day. Devastated.

He had made his way to Beacon Hills, California one simple year and came across a Sheriff and his wife. They weren't able to have children. He had asked them if they were willing to take them in and since they were so nice, they did. However, it wasn't until soon after he arrived that Claudia, the wife, was diagnosed with Frontotemporal dementia. It caused the front of her brain to shrink and she started to hallucinate. Noah, the Sheriff, had been so broken when she died and Stiles himself was also broken. He had helped Noah get through it while also helping himself. It was one of the normal and loving families he had. Noah did know about what Stiles was, but it didn't matter.

He made a best friend. Scott McCall. He had compelled him that they had been friends since they were young. He really was a true friend. He had met a girl Lydia Martin a little afterwards when he started going to the high school. He started to slowly like the girl after he noticed the resemblance she posed to Leia. It pained him. He would ignore the feeling for ages.

His real name, Mieczyslaw Stiles Mikealson, didn't exist anymore. He was now meant to go by Stiles Stilinski. He never truly liked his first name anyway and even as a child, wanted to be called Stiles. He was now known as the son to Noah Stilinski and Claudia Stilinski. Best friend to Scott McCall.

However, there was a debacle in Beacon Hills that caused him to be kicked out of the said pack. This gave Stiles the perfect opportunity to leave and travel back to his home town of New Orleans.

Before he had went straight into New Orleans, he had stopped at a small bar that was right outside of the city grabbing a small snack. He wasn't as carnivorous like his brother Kol but he would come in close second.

He had compelled the whole bar and ate from every single person. Although, he was smart enough to cover his tracks in case it alerted his siblings toward his arrival. He had healed all of the fang bites and had compelled them all to forget. He had cleaned up his mess with ease and smirked wiping off his face with the back of his hand.

"Time to visit my favorite siblings."

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