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#28714's POV

"Does anyone have any idea what's going on?" Daph asked.

Alan pulled out his phone. "Google says that apparently all Walkers of Origin can do it."

The faces of the Walkers of Origin lit up, and so I decided to show them my skills. I touched my ear and I started to levitate. I floated in front of the Walker that was threatening Daph.

"Oh, you're gonna be sorry that you messed with our sister," I smirked and touched my ear with 2 fingers, and flames materialized in my hands. The Walkers looked at me, shocked.

To be honest, I'm not sure if I'm going too far, or if it's reasonable to kill (or at least leave) someone (with second or possibly third-degree burns) who tried to kill Daph.

Let's see.

I closed my eyes and invested all of my energy and anger into the fireballs in my hands. Seconds later, I opened my eyes to notice that the fireballs grew a lot larger than I expected.

My target looked extremely nervous.

I think I'm ready.

No, scratch that. I KNOW I'M READY.

It's now or never.

I'm gonna (try to) kill this guy to save Daph from him trying to kill her.

Because otherwise he'll torment Daph for the rest of time.

This is the right thing to do.

Right before I threw the fireballs at the Walker, someone pulled me backwards and I fell to the ground. The fireballs in my hands dissipated into thin air.

I blinked a couple times, and noticed Alan was looking down at me.

"Honestly, I didn't expect you to go beast mode on that Walker," Alan laughed quietly. "But seriously, you can't just do that to some guy who looks 2 or 3 years younger than you, or to anyone for that matter."

Daph walked over and looked down at me. "Yeah, it's against the Walker code," she gave me a serious look.

Alan looked at her. "The Walker code?"

She nodded. "The Walker code. I'll tell you later."

I laughed. "First of all, I think that Justin, or whatever his name is, won't be bothering you again thanks to me, and second of all, what is the Walker code?"

"Let's leave that conversation for another day," Daph sighed. "The only reason I'm in the main hall is because I was on my way to the washroom when Justin threatened me."

"Oh," I responded, a little surprised. "Well, see you around, I guess."

Daph walked away in the direction of the washroom, and I stood up and went in the opposite direction.

Well, I didn't go very far because SOMEONE had a firm grip on my hood.

I could only guess who.

I turned and saw just who I suspected. Alan.

"I'm not done talking to you, #28714," he said sternly, his blue eyes a dark blue, almost black.

I couldn't help thinking of worse-case scenarios. Am I gonna be banned? Does Alan hate me now? Does he still trust me? Did I just ruin my entire reputation?

"Look, #28714, I know that you didn't mean to go crazy on the Walker, I know that you just wanted to protect Daph, I understand that you're new to these abilities you have, I get it." Alan sighed.

I bit my lip, 'cuz I know he's gonna ban me.

Alan continued. "But before you panic, no, I'm not gonna ban you."

I sighed in relief.

"We all make mistakes, some bigger than others. It's called being human. But, you know that killing people or attempting to kill people is against the law. Well, it used to be. Us Walkers pretty much run the world now. But if this happened back in the summer, both you and Justin would be arrested. I know you're sticking up for our sister, but..." Alan said.

I nodded. "Yeah, I guess I wasn't thinking, and that's rare 'cuz I think a lot."

"So... um... I never thought I would have to say this, but try not to turn into a savage on someone again..." Alan laughed nervously.

"Alright," I nodded, laughed nervously, turned away and kept walking.

"Ey! #28714!" Alan shouted. I turned again. "Use your abilities for good, not bad. I'm watching," he glared at me.

"I won't do it again, I promise," I smiled reassuringly.

**Timeskip: 2 minutes later**

Fio's POV

The potato storage room door swung open. Daph FINALLY got back from the washroom.

"Yo! Daph! You're back! What were you even doing in there?" Anaielle asked her.

"What do you think I was doing in the bathroom, making a sandwich?" Daph replied sarcastically. I laughed.

"Why did you take so long though?" I asked.

Daph nervously scratched the back of her neck. "That's a long story. Do you remember Justin?"

"Uh which one, C, D, F or R?" I asked Daph.


I know a lot of Justins. C, D, F and R is what I call them, because those are their last initials. R's more commonly used nickname is Princess. The other nicknames don't really stand out.

"C. The one who used to bully me," she told me.

"Yeah, I remember that jerk. Why?" I asked in response.

Daph shivered. "He tried to kill me."


Sorry about the recent updates being ordered wrong, blank, from another book or the update doesn't make sense or fit with the book. I don't wanna get in trouble from Wattpad, so I'm just gonna call them 'technical difficulties.'


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