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Chapter 3

Alan Walker's POV:

I woke up with Viivi beside me, snoring. I didn't know she snored. I tapped my watch. The bright blue hologram said August 24 2025, 9:14am. I yawned and stretched. This is just great. Waking up in THIS on my birthday.

When I got out of my shelter, I realised that there were hundreds of other shelters but without blankets. More Walkers must've shown up after we went to sleep and they built their own shelters.

I woke Viivi up, and we woke the other Walkers up. We had a bit of a meeting about how we'll pool our resources, how we'll communicate(through those watches, all the Walkers have one), what to do when there is an attack, and if we need to run or hide, how, when and where we'll do it. We also learned each other's Walker IDs and we introduced ourselves (so like saying what country we came from, how old we are, etc.). We need to get to know everyone because us Walkers need to rely on each other to survive this war. It's just who we are. It's in our nature. We are all equal, we are Walkers.(sorry that got really deep really fast!)

I put blankets in and on the other shelters the Walkers had made. Then, I went over to Walker #33828. Viivi followed.
"You're looking better that you did last night, after eating and sleeping," I said.
"But why do you have scrapes and bruises everywhere?" Viivi finished for me.
"Well, my two Walker friends, #33829 and #33827, were the Walkers on the international news yesterday. For some reason, our whole planet thinks that the Walkers are bad people, and I was scared to go into the public because I don't want to get caught by the police. So I went through the woods. During the day, I climbed up a tree and got here by walking across the branches. I also ran into a tree at one point." She explained.

"Wow, you went through a lot," I said, sorta shocked. "Did you eat anything when you were coming here?"
"I ate flies because I was starving," 33828 said.
"Did you drink any water on the way here?" This poor girl, she's only 17, she shouldn't have to go through this!
"No, not until I got here," she said.
"Wow," I said. How did she survive the journey here?
Viivi grabbed the first aid kit she packed and opened it up.

While she was dealing with 33828's wounds, another Walker came running up to me(who I forgot the Walker ID of).
"Alan, look! The SWAT team! What do we do?!" The Walker pointed up.
Sure enough, there was a helicopter in the sky above our basecamp.

Two other Walkers were standing near me, teenagers, both 15, a girl and a boy. They were looking up at the helicopter. The girl's eyes were glassy, and the boy was holding her hand.
They started to sing Tired.

Another Walker joined in.
Then a couple more.
Then#33828 joined in.
Then me and Viivi joined in.
Soon enough, all the Walkers were singing Tired.
I put up my hood and put on my mask. Viivi and 33828 followed.
Then everyone else did too.
It was magical seeing hundreds of Walkers looking up at the sky, together on Cape Breton Island singing Tired with their hoods up and masks on.

"I see those tears in your eyes,
I feel so helpless inside.
Oh, love, there's no need to hide,
Just let me love you when your heart is tired."

It was amazing.

Until I heard a scream and a gunshot.

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