Mafia - TodoDeku smut

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One month.

One month since he'd gone. 

Since he'd betrayed U.A.

And all the heroes, at that.

But one week was all it took to break the fragile heart.

The heart that belonged to Todoroki Shoto.

Now shattered, and sitting in pieces. Todoroki went from rarely talking to not talking at all. He wouldn't show any emotion, just sadness. Sadness and pain. He would spend every moment possible in his room. He stopped doing his homework. His grades dropped. He started losing concentration and failing the most simple battles. Everyone could tell he wasn't doing well. Even the teachers excused him.

In class, more than a few times, he would suddenly start violently shaking, clutching his head or stomach and whispering. That was the only time noise would ever come out of his mouth.

Don't leave...


You can't leave. You can't!

Even Bakugou hadn't been able to come with anything mean to say since then. Uraraka and Kirishima, along with others like Momo and even Iida, would regularly sneak out. They would go around the city and look for any clues. It turned out not to be entirely futile. On the third night, they found the shredded remnants of Deku's notebook No. 13.


Todoroki sat on his bed. It was 2 am, but Todoroki didn't sleep. He couldn't nowadays, not anymore. When his body did shut down on it's own, the only things he would see is Izuku, smiling wickedly, sickly, twisted. He saw him, drowning himself in blood. Oh, and he had killed All Might that day, too. Another blow to humanity itself.

The boy couldn't stop thinking. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore, and jumped out of his first floor window, onto the paved sidewalk. He strolled through the park just behind the dorms, basking in the silver moonlight that filtered through the dark leaves. The bushes rustled with the cold breeze, and his breath was visible in the inky black sky. It was nice. The darkness closed in.

To any other being, the black would be unsettling. But to him, if was comforting. No one would be able to see his tears. The crystal tears that rolled off his perfect milky skin. Over his scar, and dripping onto the pavement. He suddenly came to a stop. dropping to his knees and sobbing, silently. When he felt a familiar warmth embrace him, he stopped.

Deku was holding him. The faint aroma of blood wafted around, but other than that, it was the same. Todoroki didn't think once. He didn't think about all the pain he had caused, all the damage, the suffering. He couldn't resist but fall into the arms of his love.

"I'm sorry, Shoto..." His smooth voice, soft as ever, warmed him up. Todoroki, exhausted from days of no sleep, closed his eyes in Midoriya's arms. The green head picked him up like a child, and turned, nodding to the purple man.

"This is your lover, Sir Midoriya?" The purple mist surrounding the man wafted away and gathered into a circular mass.

"Yes. I'm sorry for making you come all this way."

"Not at all. We would always like to promote anyone to our ranks. He is a good find."

"Of course. I must thank you for going to all this trouble just for me, Kurogiri."

"Naturally, Sir Midoriya." Izuku stepped into the portal, and the man disappeared right after him.


Soft light filtered through his eyelids, as the quiet boy opened his eyes. He was reluctant, and tried to go back to sleep. He hadn't had such full rest in weeks. He was in a club room, that had a small window on the back. Metal closets lined the wall opposite him, and he looked at the door from the soft futon. He smiled. Midoriya had remembered how he best slept.

The door swung open silently on it's well oiled hinges. Deku rushed in.

"Shoto! I missed you!" Before he could process anything, the hero-turned-villain had wrapped his arms around him. Todoroki easily could have fallen asleep again, but wanted to see his love's face. It was the same bright smile. The same dimple. But something inside his eyes had changed. They no longer showed innocence, instead, nothing but determination. Determination for what, Todoroki couldn't guess.

Midoriya's lips met his. They kissed roughly, and the fire inside Shoto was lit once again.

Izuku pushed the other one down onto the futon. Wasting no time, their clothes were gone. Midoriya licked Shoto's shaft, working his thin fingers up and down his length. Todoroki made no attempt whatsoever to stop him.

The greenette twirled his tongue around in his mouth, and got out a ribbon. He worked it around Todoroki's dick, and proceeded to pleasure him. 

After a month of being touch deprived, Todoroki was very sensitive.

"Ngh...I-Izuku..." He moaned, drawing out the last syllable.

The erotic sounds spilling out of his mouth alone was enough to push Deku over the edge. But, not quite.

"Daddy. Call me daddy." He whispered seductively into the soft red hair.

"D-Daddy...hngh!" He was cut off by Deku's tongue wrapping itself around his shaft, sucking and playing with it. His hands traveled around it, rubbing it sensually.

"Daddy! Please...stick it in..."


I'll leave the rest to ur imagination~

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