Chapter 1

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It was a normal day like any other. Well it was my normal. That included Oliver coming over to my house and waking me up with a pillow to the face. You groaned and opened your eyes. "Oliver you-" but before you could finish he shushed me. Come on get up. You sat up and checked my phone to see that it was 7:59. "It's Saturday Oli, what have I told you about waking me up before 9 on a Saturday?" He ran his fingers through his hair. " told me not to do it?" You rolled your eyes. "Ugh whatever I'm up now, can you make me breakfast? He stands up and gives me a little smile. "Fine y/n, I'll make you breakfast".
You take a shower and put on a yellow checkered sweatshirt with velvet sweatpants. Tying your hair into a bun, you go downstairs. You see that Oli is sitting on the couch, asleep. You walk up to him. "If I dont get to sleep neither do you". He lays there not saying a word. You put my face closer to see if he is actually sleeping when he pulls me onto him. We stay like that for a while, you laying on his chest, and you forget all about being hungry.
Then you hear the door open. Sebastian comes in and sees you guys laying on the couch together. He smirks and says "Y/n whens the wedding?" You walk up to him. "Ha ha very funny". Oliver gets up from the couch and says, "I think I'm gonna go call Zephan." He leaves and its just you and Sebastian. You guys make yourself sandwiches and go on your phone for a bit. Then something weird happens. You glance over at Seb, and see that he is texting someone. You look closer and see that he's texting Cody. "Whatcha doin?" You say resting your head on his shoulder. "Oh nothing" he says and quickly stuffs his phone in his pocket.
"Hey um, do you want to do something?" You look at him with a confused expression. "Like?"
Seb motions you to follow him so you do. He goes in Oliver's car and you follow. "What are we doing in Oli's car?" You say. "Oh just taking it out for a ride".
Y/n: "Are you crazy?! You know you could get in a lot of trouble if you damage it".
Sebastian: "I'm just dangerous like that baby".
He winks at me and for some reason I find myself blushing. I roll my eyes, " if anything, Oliver's the bad boy". Sebastian starts the car and says, "oh shut up it'll be fun". I buckle my seatbelt, hesitant. I feel the car roar and come to life. I grip the seatbelt. And he drives off, speeding down the road.

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