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" prologue "



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THE POURING RAIN hit the car windows with immense force as the night broke through the setting sun, giving Merritt Danvers the idea of believing the small hits of the sky would shatter the glass. In her mind ghosted the thought of the rain was meant to be a sign, that said; not even God wanted the girl to move from her old city to the new one. Her dark eyes looked at the falling sun, identifying herself with the ball of gas.

The sun resembled Merritt being pushed away from her home town from her parents, which resembled the rising moon. A final huff escaped her lightly blue lips, ever since the night made itself present the temperature had fallen dramatically, but it seemed like her parents didn't mind the five degrees less in the car.

Her head fell on her right shoulder as she tried to see something in the front, to her misfortune it was still only the road leading to a misery of new finding.

The radio was muted so the navigation system was the only sound intern, and the roaring engine in the front getting cooled down by the cold rain. Next to Merritt laid her phone with her headphone plugged in, her fingers nervously tapped against the cover of the electronic device as her eyes shifted from the life saver out of the window into the, now, dark night. A shiver ran through her body as the cold wind sneaked itself into the car from the gaps in the car door. Pulling her light jacket closer to her body Merritt gripped her phone and pulled the headphone onto her ears, not only saving her ears from falling off but also saving the girl from another boring night. Her half frozen fingers brushed over the display of her blinding mobile device as she turned on some music, Sweather Weather from the Neighbors started blasting into her ears.

The rhythm of the song was catchy to her, making her sway her leg with it. As she turned on the external mobile data connection her phone flooded with messages only seconds after. Two of her best friends Scarlett and Lara, which both sent her over fifty texts, her, now, ex boyfriend, who sent five and her grandmother, seeing as she wrote two long text messages. A small smile appeared on her cold lips as she scrolled through the messages of Scarlett reminding her of how they became such good friends.

As the time flew by the faster came the car towards her destination. Merritt would lie if she said she liked the idea of finally getting out of the car just to get somewhere warm, she didn't want to leave the car unless her next stop would be her house back in Oakland.

With crossing the line of the road which split apart into two ways, she knew there was no turning back now and never again, and by the looks of the navigation it was only the matter of a few more hours until the car reached her personal hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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