Happy Birthday Hair for Brains

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Kirishima's POV

Today was my birthday and I couldn't wait to get to the dorms! Why? Well today we are gonna PAARTTYY!! Well not too much, we still have school the next day. I can't help but laugh to myself, earning a dangerous stare from Aizawa.

I quickly put my head down, making a face at those who were snickering at me. "Alright class, that's the end of today's lesson. And since it's Kirishima's birthday, I decided that you can turn in tonight's homework can be turned in the day after tomorrow. Cause I doubt you will get it done."


We all rush to our rooms after school, I change into my comfy clothes and grab my pillow and blanket before leaving my room. Before I get to the common area I decide to visit Bakugo.

Bakugo's POV

I sit at my desk, staring at the stupid thing in front of me. I never got anything for someone's birthday before, so I didn't know what to get him. "UUUGGGGHHHH!!!" The frustration was killing me and I just wanted to blow this shit up! I got him a fucking grenade keychain!

"What the fuck is he supposed to do with this shit!?" I slump down in my chair, feeling the heat rise off my body. I can't give this to him, it screams that 'I like you!' I mean a grenade? I might as well be branding him as mine, when we all know that's not true. He only sees me as a friend.

Knock knock

I quickly shove the keychain in my desk and go to the door, "What?" I answered coldly, "Nothing~ just seeing if you were gonna come down with everyone else?" He smiles at me, clutching his pillow and blanket. "The fuck I look like doing some childish shit like that?" "Awww, but Bakubro!!" Kiri started at me with puppy dog eyes, pleading me to go. "*sigh* fine, but I'm not staying long, Raccoon Eyes will probably start some weird ass game!" Kiri laughed as he pushed pass me, sitting on my bed, "Yayyy! Now hurry up and get dressed!" He laid down on the bed, cuddling up into a ball. I gulped trying to resist laying next to him.

"Hey! Hair for brains! I never said you could come in! G-get out!!" I yelled, my hands sparking up. "Ah geez, you are so mean!" Kiri whined playfully as he made his way out the door, leaving me blushing a bit. "Dumbass..."

Kirishima's POV

I make my way down to the common area, greeted by everyone that was there, I drop my stuff down on the floor, "I call this spot!" Mina hopped over to where I was and sat her stuff next to mine, "And I call this spot!" "Aww I was gonna save that spot for Bakubro." I whined a bit, getting a laugh from Kami, "Yeaaaaa, you wouldn't want to separate those love birds, you might get blasted." I blushed at Kami's joke, "Sh-shut up! We are bros!"

Mina just laughed, as everyone else's face went pale. "M-Mina, Bakugo is right behind you...." I whisper to her. She immediately stops laughing and turns around, "What?" She sasses him, hands on her hips. "Move Raccon eyes." "No, Kiri has another side you can occupy." She looks at him, "Wait! Where is your sleep over stuff??"

"HAHHH! Who the fuck said I was sleeping over? I'm leaving in like an hour! The only reason why I'm here is so Dumb Hair over there doesn't complain about how I didn't show up." He stuffs his hands in his pockets, kicking Mina's stuff out the way before sitting down.

Mina just rolled her eyes, giving Bakugo a smirk. "Someone doesn't want anyone to sit next to Kiri, you might be right Kami." "Oi! Shu-shut up!" I laugh as I sit next to him. "It's okay bro, I'm glad you're here!" While everyone was still setting up their spots, I noticed Bakugo wasn't being himself. He kept starting to say something, but would close his mouth before he could and would stuff his hand back into his pocket. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

Happy Birthday Dumb Hair!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang