The Vanguard - Part 6

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"Quit yer whining and give us some covering fire!" Natasha retorted as the tank rolled into the outpost, unloading smoke canisters haphazardly. Corsair sighed and flipped down his goggles, switching them to heat vision. He began firing at the guards, moving quickly from one target to the next, felling each with deadly precision. As the smoke settled he noticed a guard ready a rocket launcher in one of the watch towers. He received a swift shot between the eyes. Once he was confident that the area was clear, Corsair turned back to the tank and saw the girls were already on foot. They seemed to be interrogating a guard. The boss's voice crackled over the radio.

"What've you got for me, Corsair?"

"Area clear. Looks like Team A is about to move into the base. Boss, Natasha bloody went ahead and started without warning me again!"

"Don't worry, I'll have a word with her. You just focus on covering that base."

"Got it, boss... wait." A ship soared silently through a gap between the mountains, landing on the roof of the base. Corsair watched as two men emerged and headed down the stairs on the far side of the building. "A Pelican just landed on the roof, carrying two hostiles. Couldn't get a a clear shot from here."

"Can you make out the pilot?"

"Negative. Cockpit's obscured."

"I'll let Team A know. Keep an eye on it."

Corsair waited for their mystery guests to return. He tried to radio Angela but only received static.

'This can't be good,' he thought. 'The hell is taking them so long? Dammit Natasha, if you'd just keep your personal life out of it, things might actually go smoothly for once.'

Just as he was about to contact the boss again, the two figures burst out of a doorway, followed closely by Angela and Natasha. Corsair tried to get a clear shot but the Pelican had already taken off and it swung around to further block his vision. He caught a glimpse of the two men leaping into the ship before it sped away from the building. Cursing under his breath he took a shot at the cockpit, missing by an inch. The Pelican changed course and headed straight toward his position, flying so low that he had to dive out of the way. As he picked himself back up, Corsair could've sworn he saw the pilot give him the finger before the ship turned and flew back between the mountains.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2012 ⏰

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